Tues. Morning I went out to a Lake pretty close to the house. Before I
even saw my first duck this little guy came walking to me.
I only had 1 decent shot and I made the best of it, making like a sniper
with a shotgun. One shot one kill, I knew this drake was a little tall but
I had to try.
I was shooting my newly won shells and let me tell ya, Blindside is some good stuff. This guy was up in the stratosphere usually I don't skybust but I thought there was a good chance of getting him.
Wednesday I got an invite to go to Weed's poo pond, this is a shoot I don't like miss out on. We didn't have the 900 birds that have been there come in, but we had a couple hundred come in and give us a couple limits.
How 'bout that new gun Weed's sporting. He started having problems with the old humpback that he usually totes so he picked up a Stoeger. Of course I'm still shooting the old workhorse X2 gotta love that gun.
Now I didn't say so, but I went out for deer Tues.evening. I didn't see a deer but there were a couple hundred geese and ducks dropping in my field. Since goose goes out this week and next I knew I had to shoot this. So I gave a shout out to a new buddy named Kevin. He told me he would go so we set up a time and place to meet. We got all the gear hauled out into the field, got everything set up and waited for the fun to start. We had 1 flock of Mallards work in they made 3-4 passes and left out. I never called the shot cause I was waiting to see the wings cup and feet drop. Needless to say I felt pretty bad later, when I found out Kevin wasn't staying all day and I blew the only chance he had at some shooting.
Anyway Kevin left at around 11, so I moved the dekes around and settled in for a well deserved nap. I woke up to a crash and a screech. A Redtail hawk tried to steal one of my duck decoys. So now I'm awake and waiting for the evening flight. I got a couple misses out of the gun around 3:30 on a pair of Mallards. Around 4:30 the sky started filling up with ducks and geese, my guests had arrived. The first flock of ducks I took one drake, the second flock that came in I carved out 3 to finish my limit on ducks. Then the geese started coming in, the first flock of geese I put 2 on the ground. I didn't have to wait too long for my last goose. I picked out the lead goose squeezed the trigger and watched him drop. When I got up to him and turned him over.............SURPRISE............. he's got jewelery on.
Sporting some new calls this year Buck Gardners spitfire duck call and Molt Gear's EX3 goose call |
I'm not saying the new calls were the reason I got limit and a band but they didn't hurt.
In the infamous words of Barnie Calef ,"Stick and Stay make 'er pay". My lovely wife let me stay out all day (it was her night to go out) for our anniversary on the 7th, I wouldn't have this band if she made me come home.
Thankz Sarah.
Just got the band info:
Date banded: 07/22/2009