Wednesday, February 29, 2012

End of another Year

This hunting season ended with me chasing coyote and fox. Now to be honest our coyote season ends in March, but fox ended on the 28th of Feb. Since I didn't want to be in the position of letting a fox walk. I just hang up the guns and get ready for the fishing opener.
I hunted Mississinewa Reservoir last week and saw a fox, he busted me before I was even set up. I ended my season at Salamonie Reservoir hoping to get a fox and a coyote before the year ends. Well I didn't get a fox, but I did get a coyote on my second stand of the day.
I was set up on a field that to me looked "foxy". I almost didn't even finish this stand, when I first started the caller there was a dog at a house that was close to my calling spot that started barking. With the woodpecker distress screaming on my foxpro and 3 minutes into the stand I saw this yote charging the caller.  When he slowed I let him have it with a 50 grain V-Max, my shot was a little low so I put the crosshairs on him again and squeezed the trigger. With a solid "whump" the yote dropped, I switched to a coyote pup in distress and let it play for a couple minutes. When nothing else showed, I walked out to get my coyote.

2011 Hunting Season Breakdown
Species---Number of Critters Taken----Days Afield

Turkey----------1---------------- 5
Deer------------- 1 ----------------10
Dove-------------10------------- 1 1/2
Pheasant--------1 -------------- 1
Coon------------- 2---------------- 4
Coyote/Fox------ 1---------------- 2
Waterfowl-----11 ducks/29 geese-----35
Total-------------56-------------58 1/2

I even had a couple firsts this year:
First Northern Shoveler-AKA spoonbill

And my first lesser Goose that I shot at Weeds poo pond.

When you look at all stacked up, all in all I had another stellar year.  I can only hope that next year will stand up to the hopes and expectations.
 As the seasons change so does the quarry we chase. With the end of hunting season, the beginning of the fishing season is just around the corner. 

Woohooo bring on the fishing season.

Lets not forget Turkey season in April just a mid spring hunting fix.

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