Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hunting season is almost here

Thank goodness, I went to the big pond for a "boat ride" yesterday. I didn't even get bumped, it was however a beautiful day.
So I'll do the annual deer stand check and clean out next week and since I didn't get drawn for the dove hunt this year, I will do some goose hunting on the 1st I will post the outcome.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Catch up

Two weeks ago, last week and this week bad weather reared it's ugly head. The bad fishing followed the weather. I got out local the last two weeks but not this week. I am really itching to go to the big lake and couldn't get out this week because of the weather. I'm shooting for next week, then it will be time to clear out the deer stand before Sept. and dove and early goose. After the first 2 weeks of Sept. I might try to get up 1 more time before I have to winterize the boat and commit to hunting for the year. Well not much else to say, hope your fishin' is goin' better than mine.