Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Let's play a little game.......

Let's play
Guess what MONTH it is.....

  1. October
  2. November
  3. December
  4. January
 The correct answer is......

What's that?? That was an unfair answer because it wasn't even a choice???

Well we didn't have a choice to get a foot of snow in March... just deal with it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

2013 It's the end of the season......

Gold rush anyone????
Ok so lets get on with the end of the season. I had a really good year, I hunted and shot a record number of ducks. Along with that my first duck band, I also shot a dove and another goose band.
Yes that's right folks the grandfecta (a cross between grand slam and trifecta) of wing shooting a dove, a duck, and a goose band.

 With all the snow and freezing temps this year, finding open water was,"a game changer" ......still nothing????? 

I finally broke my coyote streak this year. In the past 2 years I went out for a day and brought down a coyote....not this year. I told Sarah my call must be broken - well it didn't call in a yote?!?!?- so I get to get a new one next year. : )
The real only regrets I have from this season was I didn't get as much video as I would like. Since we got the new computer making the movies won't be such a chore. I will be getting more video in the future, starting with fishing season.

2013 Hunting Season Breakdown
Species          |  Days Afield        |  Number of Critters Taken
Turkey                  8                           0
Deer                      2                           1
Dove                  3 1/2                       32
Pheasant                2                           3
Coon                     0                            0
Coyote/Fox           4                            0
Waterfowl         38 1/2          45 ducks/21 geese
Total                   58                         102

Well that's it for this season, hopefully ya'll had a good year. I am looking forward to bonus Turkey season and of course fishing season is only a month away.
I will be taking care of the house stuff and preparing for both of the upcoming seasons so until April take care, stay safe.
Here's a bonus video of some stuff I had layin' around that I haven't put on anything else...enjoy.