Wednesday, March 5, 2014

2013 It's the end of the season......

Gold rush anyone????
Ok so lets get on with the end of the season. I had a really good year, I hunted and shot a record number of ducks. Along with that my first duck band, I also shot a dove and another goose band.
Yes that's right folks the grandfecta (a cross between grand slam and trifecta) of wing shooting a dove, a duck, and a goose band.

 With all the snow and freezing temps this year, finding open water was,"a game changer" ......still nothing????? 

I finally broke my coyote streak this year. In the past 2 years I went out for a day and brought down a coyote....not this year. I told Sarah my call must be broken - well it didn't call in a yote?!?!?- so I get to get a new one next year. : )
The real only regrets I have from this season was I didn't get as much video as I would like. Since we got the new computer making the movies won't be such a chore. I will be getting more video in the future, starting with fishing season.

2013 Hunting Season Breakdown
Species          |  Days Afield        |  Number of Critters Taken
Turkey                  8                           0
Deer                      2                           1
Dove                  3 1/2                       32
Pheasant                2                           3
Coon                     0                            0
Coyote/Fox           4                            0
Waterfowl         38 1/2          45 ducks/21 geese
Total                   58                         102

Well that's it for this season, hopefully ya'll had a good year. I am looking forward to bonus Turkey season and of course fishing season is only a month away.
I will be taking care of the house stuff and preparing for both of the upcoming seasons so until April take care, stay safe.
Here's a bonus video of some stuff I had layin' around that I haven't put on anything else...enjoy.

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