Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Not quite a limit for the third week

Finally had one of my buddies come up with me to the big pond. Of course, as it always goes, he should've been there last week or the week before. I don't know if it was the blow that the lake had last week or the fish are just on the move already. We worked almost from dark to dark to boat the 7 fish only losing one other. It was a pretty bumpy day for the most part but really slicked out after 2pm or so.
does it look to you like a grampa taking his grandson out fishing?
Lost my first lure of the year already, fortunately, it was just a peanut fly. Hopefully, that will be the only lure lost this year.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Another good day fishing

Went back to the big pond yesterday, still couldn't get ahold of anyone to go. So I trolled solo again this week. I definitely had to fish a little longer to get my limit. The fish were more spread out and the winds of the week had them in different spots, but I found 'em. Everything ran great again this week, all the work I put into the boat has definitely been worth it, it's a real pleasure to fish out of.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Shake out cruise on the big pond

Took the boat out on Tuesday to Loon and backed in in just enough to start the motors and make sure they're running. They both started rather effortlessly so I was ready for my first day on the water.

Wednesday was looking to be a good day to get up to L.M. and do some trolling. So I called all my buddies to see who was going to be lucky enough to get to be the first guest on the rebuilt boat. I got voicemails, gotta move/work, and clean the moss off my roof, kinda sounds like I'm getting blown off.... Hmmm didn't really think about it until I wrote it down.
Anyway, screw those guys I went anyway.
 As per has been my usual I got to the ditch late and spent the next hour setting up rods, lines, and pole holders. By the time I was ready, the morning rush was mostly over. I finally cranked up the big motor and started toward the mouth to start the day. It was a little bumpy to start with and I nailed my first 3 fish in short order. The limit came a little later but I had it done by noon. By the afternoon the water had laid down and it was not only fairly flat but it had warmed up tremendously from the morning temps of see my breath cold. All in all, it was a great day, everything ran and performed well, except maybe my trolling motor seems the waves were too much for it and I killed the batteries within the first couple hours. I might have to look at some more expensive options. Other than that it was a great first day out, so with a limit of coho I stopped at Jake's on the way home to see what he was up to. I filleted them all up and gave him 3 of my fish. He fired up the grill and dropped one of them on asap.... mmm good.
Sidenote-I cannot believe how nicely my truck pulls the boat, really awesome.