Thursday, January 14, 2016

couple limits this week

Well we kept the ball rolling this week with a couple more limits. We hit a field that I've been waiting for the geese to get on. They took their time getting there but by the time they did the limits didn't take long to fill.
This hunt was kinda cool cause it was Sean's first limit
The second hunt was at another field that finally started getting geese on it. The bad news is that this is the first year in many that someone else is hunting the field. So the geese were more skidish than they usually are on this field. We stuck it out through the cold, and the won't drop in the pocket, and all the bad shooting, to get a limit apiece.
And yes we finally got some snow, and boy did it change the attitude of the geese around here.
I just wanted to mention that in the last couple hunts I haven't got any bands. I did have Sean go and retrieve a couple of MY geese and I think he's been stealin' my bands before he gets back to the blind. I mean I don't have any proof but I am fairly certain that's what's been happening......

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Started 2016 like I ended 2015.... full limits on geese and even shot one with some jewelry.
This goose was 5 years old and was banded in MI. This makes 5 bands this year : ) my goose totals might be down but my band acquisition is way above average.