Well I went to do some pass shooting at the same spot. I think the ducks are more aware of me being there. They flew over but a little higher and a little off center. I was able to drop one on my second shot only to have it glide to the middle of the lake. I was so disgusted with this turn of events I packed it in with 2 hours of daylight left. This is probably a good time to tell you that the lake is covered in ice, but it's still only an inch or three thick.
I went home to formulate a plan to retrieve my prize. The first thing I thought was I would wait til morning. It was pretty warm that day and it would firm up the ice. I called my neighbor and he let me borrow his john boat, so with that, all my Potlatch rope, along with 2 metal spikes, 1 hook, 2 wood poles, and some duct tape. I should be able to claw my way out the 200 yards then just use the rope to pull myself back to shore. So after spending all night going over the plan and trying to think of anything else that would help I went to bed knowing the amount of work that I was in for the next day.
Saturday I got up before light, grabbed my rope and supplies threw them in the back of the truck. Went over to my neighbors put his boat in the back of the truck and headed off to the lake. When I got there I pulled out my binos and scanned the surface for my duck....... no duck. I looked for a good 10 minutes for something that I saw the day before with the naked eye. Nope no duck, something ate my duck and it wasn't me. So back home I went, unpacked all the gear and sat down at the computer to tell you the story.
So sad......
All my outdoor adventures are put down here for you to see. My goal is to make you smile or maybe even learn something. If you don't, well it's a good read anyway. Wish me luck..... This blog is dedicated to my Auntie Nae and my Mom. They have contributed to this in their own way. Thank you for all you have done and still do. And a special Thanks to my Dad, he started me on my path by having time to take me hunting and fishing. Thank you.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
My Christmas Vacation
When my vacation started I was really optimistic about the last week push of duck season. I decided early not to burn any fields until duck season started on the 21st. I scouted for birds everyday twice a day hoping I would find some using any one of my fields. Two days before the opener I had ducks and geese start using a field, I knew that would be the field I was hunting on Sat. When Saturday finally rolled around I was knee deep in mud and water hurriedly putting decoys and blinds out with a couple of my buddies. When shooting time arrived I was still putting my blind together but my buddies were dropping ducks. When the day was all said and done we had a total of 10 ducks and 2 geese between the three of us, my gear took 3 days to dry out.
I continued scouting the next day and have had 0 waterfowl in my fields.
Since I didn't have anything hitting any of my other fields I was hoping to get down to a local river.
With all the rains and warm weather the last couple of weeks, it completely flooded the river and made it impossible to hunt. I did however find a spot to hunt and have gone out there the last 3 days.
Christmas day I got a mallard and a wounded golden eye that had some open water in front of me, but it was freezing up fast.
Yesterday I went to the same spot and got 2 mallards but one of them got washed down river before I could get him. I worked real hard to retrieve him to no avail, and in doing so wadded into the river up to my waist to try and reach him. The only thing that makes me feel better about the whole ordeal is that I know he was dead and not suffering. Something will find him and have a grand meal just not me.
Today I'm going back to the same spot I have been the last couple days, and even though I'm fairly certain nothing will come of it I am planning on hitting a field tomorrow ...... maybe.
Matt and myself with Jay taking the pic |
Since I didn't have anything hitting any of my other fields I was hoping to get down to a local river.
With all the rains and warm weather the last couple of weeks, it completely flooded the river and made it impossible to hunt. I did however find a spot to hunt and have gone out there the last 3 days.
Christmas day I got a mallard and a wounded golden eye that had some open water in front of me, but it was freezing up fast.
Yesterday I went to the same spot and got 2 mallards but one of them got washed down river before I could get him. I worked real hard to retrieve him to no avail, and in doing so wadded into the river up to my waist to try and reach him. The only thing that makes me feel better about the whole ordeal is that I know he was dead and not suffering. Something will find him and have a grand meal just not me.
Today I'm going back to the same spot I have been the last couple days, and even though I'm fairly certain nothing will come of it I am planning on hitting a field tomorrow ...... maybe.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Long story short my place of employment just paid out all vacations that were suppose to roll over if not used. So since we were given 0 notice my boss allowed us to get some days off before the end of the year, since we have already been paid for them. Well I was able to get about 12 days off when it's all said and done. That makes me happy and very sad, I was saving 40 hours to either go to Arkansas on a duck hunt this year or a Spring Turkey hunt next year.
Neither of which will now happen.
Anyway, I now can spend spend some much needed time afield.
Tuesday I spent scouting and finishing little projects around the house.
Since there are no geese using any of my fields I decided to go pheasant hunting today. I got to Huntington a little after 8 am and started in my usual spot. After an hour of working I was pushing a corn field and finally kicked up a hen, she took flight and my initial shot was actually faster than usual. She was still over the corn when I let the second shot go. I knew I hit her and from her trajectory and it looked like she cleared the corn, so off I went at a jog to try and catch up to her. When I got to the edge of the corn, she was nowhere to be seen. So I did my best bird dog impression and looked for tracks. I found her track and started following her down the edge of the corn, then she cut into the corn. The spot she went in at was pretty grassy and tangled, so I slowed down and started kicking the grass. I actually kicked this bird and she didn't move until I started to kick out the grass more. Finally she popped out and I was able to jump on her, that's why she doesn't have any tail feathers left.
On the next corn field nothing but the next one I pushed had some tracks in it. So I started following them, now the interesting part is I didn't know if I was going the right way or how old the track was. Well I'm here to tell ya I was going the right way and the track was really fresh. I followed the track to the end of the corn and through some crap along side the corn. When low and behold there was a pheasant hiding in some crap on top of the snow less than 3 feet from me. After a couple seconds of looking at him to figure out it he was still alive and where his head was. I decapitated him with a single shot with the most awesome from the hip shot I have ever made. Actually it is the only from the hip shot I have ever attempted, I got really lucky I didn't put one pellet in the meat.
So after less than 2 hours I had my limit, a picture and was heading back home. Not bad for a couple hours with no dog on late season "spooky" birds.
Neither of which will now happen.
Anyway, I now can spend spend some much needed time afield.
Tuesday I spent scouting and finishing little projects around the house.
Since there are no geese using any of my fields I decided to go pheasant hunting today. I got to Huntington a little after 8 am and started in my usual spot. After an hour of working I was pushing a corn field and finally kicked up a hen, she took flight and my initial shot was actually faster than usual. She was still over the corn when I let the second shot go. I knew I hit her and from her trajectory and it looked like she cleared the corn, so off I went at a jog to try and catch up to her. When I got to the edge of the corn, she was nowhere to be seen. So I did my best bird dog impression and looked for tracks. I found her track and started following her down the edge of the corn, then she cut into the corn. The spot she went in at was pretty grassy and tangled, so I slowed down and started kicking the grass. I actually kicked this bird and she didn't move until I started to kick out the grass more. Finally she popped out and I was able to jump on her, that's why she doesn't have any tail feathers left.
On the next corn field nothing but the next one I pushed had some tracks in it. So I started following them, now the interesting part is I didn't know if I was going the right way or how old the track was. Well I'm here to tell ya I was going the right way and the track was really fresh. I followed the track to the end of the corn and through some crap along side the corn. When low and behold there was a pheasant hiding in some crap on top of the snow less than 3 feet from me. After a couple seconds of looking at him to figure out it he was still alive and where his head was. I decapitated him with a single shot with the most awesome from the hip shot I have ever made. Actually it is the only from the hip shot I have ever attempted, I got really lucky I didn't put one pellet in the meat.
So after less than 2 hours I had my limit, a picture and was heading back home. Not bad for a couple hours with no dog on late season "spooky" birds.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Lucky or Good??
Muzzleloader began on the 7th of Dec and the first day that I could get out is Tues. I went to Tom's old property, that's the property I have been hunting for the past 15 or so years. I really didn't expect to see anything but I had to try.
I got there before sunrise with a chair and an idea of where I wanted to sit. I sat until I got too cold to sit and all I got for my efforts was wind burnt and chilled to the bone.
Wednesday I had planned on going to Huntington to try and walk one up. I was able to jump a rabbit and an owl before the snowstorm hit. Once it did vis went to nearly nothing and it was already 1pm so I decided to drive home. On the way I thought I should stop at Tom's and sit until I get cold, then call it a day.
When I got there the sun was shining, and the wind was blowing, I only had a couple layers on so I knew I wouldn't be staying long. Now if you have been following this blog, the property I am on is the same one the new owner has taken all the fence-rows off of. So I am sitting on the corner of the only woods that Tom still owns, bordering his old property which is now a huge field.
I had probably been there for an hour and a half when to my amazement I saw a deer come out of the woods at about 150-200yards (Google earth) away and decided to cross the field. She was just getting up speed when I "bayed" at her and she stopped, and looked at me. I put the crosshairs about a foot above her back and let one fly. I knew I hit her and she started across the field stopping to lay down every 20 yards. So I reloaded and waited for her to crest a small high spot in the field. When she did I started an intercept course for her, when I got close enough I peeked over the hill where I thought she would be. I didn't see her right away but then I looked back to my right 20 yards and I saw her head pop up with those big ears and look right at me. I waited for her to get up and when she did she turned broadside to me. I raised my gun and again put the crosshairs about a foot above her back and let another one fly. This time she jumped into the air at least 6 feet and went straight down. I knew then I would be tagging a deer this year.
Now I'm on the hunt for more geese, and ducks are back in the week of Christmas.
Meeerry Christmas.
I got there before sunrise with a chair and an idea of where I wanted to sit. I sat until I got too cold to sit and all I got for my efforts was wind burnt and chilled to the bone.
Wednesday I had planned on going to Huntington to try and walk one up. I was able to jump a rabbit and an owl before the snowstorm hit. Once it did vis went to nearly nothing and it was already 1pm so I decided to drive home. On the way I thought I should stop at Tom's and sit until I get cold, then call it a day.
When I got there the sun was shining, and the wind was blowing, I only had a couple layers on so I knew I wouldn't be staying long. Now if you have been following this blog, the property I am on is the same one the new owner has taken all the fence-rows off of. So I am sitting on the corner of the only woods that Tom still owns, bordering his old property which is now a huge field.
I had probably been there for an hour and a half when to my amazement I saw a deer come out of the woods at about 150-200yards (Google earth) away and decided to cross the field. She was just getting up speed when I "bayed" at her and she stopped, and looked at me. I put the crosshairs about a foot above her back and let one fly. I knew I hit her and she started across the field stopping to lay down every 20 yards. So I reloaded and waited for her to crest a small high spot in the field. When she did I started an intercept course for her, when I got close enough I peeked over the hill where I thought she would be. I didn't see her right away but then I looked back to my right 20 yards and I saw her head pop up with those big ears and look right at me. I waited for her to get up and when she did she turned broadside to me. I raised my gun and again put the crosshairs about a foot above her back and let another one fly. This time she jumped into the air at least 6 feet and went straight down. I knew then I would be tagging a deer this year.
Now I'm on the hunt for more geese, and ducks are back in the week of Christmas.
Meeerry Christmas.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Free-Range Chicken
Tuesday it was suppose to be warm and rainy, the warm happened but not the rainy. I thought it would be fun to try some pheasant hunting. It's been kind of a tradition for me, to go the first week of clean up. Last year I did a little better, but I still did pretty good this year for not having a dog. I saw 5 birds including this one and out of those birds I should have gotten one more. Oh well at least I'll be eating pheasant instead of empty shell soup. If you have the need for empty shell soup I have a great recipe.
Wednesday I got up on time but didn't arrive at the lake until late. I was motoring out at shooting time and when I got to my spot someone else was already set up. Now to say he was set up is only a polite way to let you know someone else was there already. His "set up" consisted of 6 goose,6 divers, a couple mallards and a mojo.
I motored out to an island that I have never hunted from, but had seen and heard of people hunting from it. It was a little deeper than what I like but I proceeded to put out my duck and goose spread which consists of 15 mag goose and 42 duck decoys. The reason I mention it is because when there's competition it's a sheer numbers game, and I was on the winning side. I heard the other shoot only 2 times unfortunately I couldn't see him from where I was, so I don't know if he even got a bird.
I tried and tried to get my boat set so it didn't stick out like a sore thumb, finally I settled on just dragging it up on the island.
With my boat so stealthily hidden I was able to knock some ducks down.
3 mallards and a hen redhead, (the second one I've gotten this year.)
Thursday I got up and went hunting and then came home.
Wednesday I got up on time but didn't arrive at the lake until late. I was motoring out at shooting time and when I got to my spot someone else was already set up. Now to say he was set up is only a polite way to let you know someone else was there already. His "set up" consisted of 6 goose,6 divers, a couple mallards and a mojo.
I motored out to an island that I have never hunted from, but had seen and heard of people hunting from it. It was a little deeper than what I like but I proceeded to put out my duck and goose spread which consists of 15 mag goose and 42 duck decoys. The reason I mention it is because when there's competition it's a sheer numbers game, and I was on the winning side. I heard the other shoot only 2 times unfortunately I couldn't see him from where I was, so I don't know if he even got a bird.
I tried and tried to get my boat set so it didn't stick out like a sore thumb, finally I settled on just dragging it up on the island.
With my boat so stealthily hidden I was able to knock some ducks down.
3 mallards and a hen redhead, (the second one I've gotten this year.)
Thursday I got up and went hunting and then came home.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Happy Happy Happy Thanksgiving
I, along with everyone that reads this, has so much to be thankful for there's really not enough room here to list it all. That being said, here's the short list:Wife,Health,Family,House and Time-Off work to enjoy the great outdoors.
These are just some of the things I am thankful for.
Tuesday I was able to hit the water for some duck hunting, and pulled down a lone drake and then a double. Making my take three for the day.
Let me see here what did I do on Wednesday...... oh yeah I went duck hunting. I got to one of my favorite spots and low and behold there was hard water in the spot I wanted to hunt. So I had to set up in an area that was a little more conducive to putting out decoys. Let me tell you I am very happy I did, I hunted til 2pm and almost got a limit of mallards.
Did you see it? See what??? Look again I'll wait...... Give up????
Yep I finally got a banded duck. He was number 29 for the year. He was banded in Heckla, South Dakota in 2010 and was at least 1 year old when he was banded.
That's what the banding certificate said.
Thursday I thought the competition for space on the water would be a factor so I went to a spot on a river that I have given access to by the landowner. I had a pretty good day, I saw 15 Turkeys roosting in the trees above the river. When the sun came out they flew down in a nearby field. I also saw a mink on the opposite shore, I really thought about shooting him. The last one I brought in got me 15.00 bucks, but since it was such a nice day I let him live.
I also had this deer cross the river just down from me. She was a yearling that got within 10 yards of me before heading up the embankment and disappearing.
I got one mallard with the one and only shot I had all day. I left at 10am to get home and start the Thanksgiving day meal.
Friday I showed up at the landing an hour and a half early, only to find all the water had turned hard. My duck boat will not break through any ice what so ever at all, so I raced back home dumped the boat grabbed a couple six packs of decoys and headed back to the river. I had a wood duck come in and land in my decoys with only minutes to go before shooting time. Once shooting time rolled around the wood duck rolled out without so much as a salute. The next duck I had a shot at I only winged and chased 4 blocks downstream only to get back exhausted and duck less. Right around noon, I finally put some meat on the ground and by that I mean I had to chase him down. I finally found him huddled up under an uprooted tree.
So as you can see I had many things to be grateful for.
These are just some of the things I am thankful for.
Tuesday I was able to hit the water for some duck hunting, and pulled down a lone drake and then a double. Making my take three for the day.
Let me see here what did I do on Wednesday...... oh yeah I went duck hunting. I got to one of my favorite spots and low and behold there was hard water in the spot I wanted to hunt. So I had to set up in an area that was a little more conducive to putting out decoys. Let me tell you I am very happy I did, I hunted til 2pm and almost got a limit of mallards.
Did you see it? See what??? Look again I'll wait...... Give up????
Yep I finally got a banded duck. He was number 29 for the year. He was banded in Heckla, South Dakota in 2010 and was at least 1 year old when he was banded.
That's what the banding certificate said.
Thursday I thought the competition for space on the water would be a factor so I went to a spot on a river that I have given access to by the landowner. I had a pretty good day, I saw 15 Turkeys roosting in the trees above the river. When the sun came out they flew down in a nearby field. I also saw a mink on the opposite shore, I really thought about shooting him. The last one I brought in got me 15.00 bucks, but since it was such a nice day I let him live.
I also had this deer cross the river just down from me. She was a yearling that got within 10 yards of me before heading up the embankment and disappearing.
I got one mallard with the one and only shot I had all day. I left at 10am to get home and start the Thanksgiving day meal.
Friday I showed up at the landing an hour and a half early, only to find all the water had turned hard. My duck boat will not break through any ice what so ever at all, so I raced back home dumped the boat grabbed a couple six packs of decoys and headed back to the river. I had a wood duck come in and land in my decoys with only minutes to go before shooting time. Once shooting time rolled around the wood duck rolled out without so much as a salute. The next duck I had a shot at I only winged and chased 4 blocks downstream only to get back exhausted and duck less. Right around noon, I finally put some meat on the ground and by that I mean I had to chase him down. I finally found him huddled up under an uprooted tree.
So as you can see I had many things to be grateful for.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Gettin' tougher
Tuesday I waited all day for some ducks, finally I had a triple rocketing in. I knocked a drake down with the first shot, the second was a miss, and dropped a hen with the 3rd. When the hen hit the water the drake got up and flew away.... smart, wait 'til I'm out of shells then show your alive. That's impressive.
Wednesday I made an hour drive to a lake I really enjoy going to. When I got to my spot I must have pushed out 45 mallards in the dark. Since I really didn't see any ducks during the day, I thought I would stay 'til dark and try for the mallards I pushed out. Well around 3 pm (which is when my wife usually gets home), I tried to call to let her know my plans.
No reception, so I quickly gathered my stuff and raced in so I could get somewhere to give her a call before she started to worry. I am usually home by 2 or 3 when I go duck hunting. Well I finally got reception around 4 pm and let her know what was going on. She was not only not worried but figured, given the time, that I was going to stay 'til dark. She said she would've waited until 2 hours past dark to send out a search party.
I'm still unsure if I should've been happy or sad with the outcome. On one hand I wasn't home at the time I usually come home, and she wasn't worried. On the other hand she knew me well enough not to worry if I was a couple hours late. Hmmmmmmm ????
I did get a mallard, that in my haste to get home didn't even get a pic of, until I got home.
Thursday it rained all day and I only had one mallard work. He dropped in 50yards from the outskirts of my spread, not to come any closer.
Wednesday I made an hour drive to a lake I really enjoy going to. When I got to my spot I must have pushed out 45 mallards in the dark. Since I really didn't see any ducks during the day, I thought I would stay 'til dark and try for the mallards I pushed out. Well around 3 pm (which is when my wife usually gets home), I tried to call to let her know my plans.
No reception, so I quickly gathered my stuff and raced in so I could get somewhere to give her a call before she started to worry. I am usually home by 2 or 3 when I go duck hunting. Well I finally got reception around 4 pm and let her know what was going on. She was not only not worried but figured, given the time, that I was going to stay 'til dark. She said she would've waited until 2 hours past dark to send out a search party.
I'm still unsure if I should've been happy or sad with the outcome. On one hand I wasn't home at the time I usually come home, and she wasn't worried. On the other hand she knew me well enough not to worry if I was a couple hours late. Hmmmmmmm ????
I did get a mallard, that in my haste to get home didn't even get a pic of, until I got home.
Thursday it rained all day and I only had one mallard work. He dropped in 50yards from the outskirts of my spread, not to come any closer.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Deploy the Chernobyl spread
That's right, with goose season on hiatus I had to do something to get some draw power in my spread. So I got a half dozen Flambeau super mags.
I'll just show the pics.
Four mallard limit
Two Mallards and a Hooded Merganser
Thursday I went out and got 1 hen wood duck, that almost landed in the Chernobyl decoys. The pic turned out really bad for some reason.
I'll try to do better.
I'll just show the pics.
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no big difference right? |
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The goose decoy is a Flambeau that is 26" long. |
Ducks that size QWACK.
When I ordered them I thought they might be too big. I put them out and the ducks seemed to like them.Four mallard limit
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Tues. |
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Wed. |
I'll try to do better.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Still no geese
I hunted on Tues. Wed. and Thur. of last week and brought home 1 hen mallard, 1 drake mallard and 3 wood ducks respectively. The last hunt was definitely the best. Here's the first 2 pics.
The sad thing about the drake was it had rice breast pretty bad. He was a beautiful duck but I didn't even clean him, I opened his chest and into the trash he went.
Now like I said the last hunt was the best one, I got permission to shoot a pond that had 60-70 wood ducks on it every night. So I watched it Tues and Wed, and there were easily that many birds showing up on a nightly basis, so I called a buddy of mine and we made plans to shoot it before the weather pushed the birds out. Thursday was the day, Jay showed up at my house at 3:45 with his kids, we all piled into my truck and off we went. Once there it took us a couple minutes to figure out where we were going to set up. Once we figured that out, it seemed as if on cue, that the woodies started diving bombing the pond. After an hour and a half, and a box and a half of shells later we had 6 woodies on the water. I got into the boat and played retriever while Jay policed up the area. That was one of the best shoots I have had in a long time. Those woodies were in and out in a matter of seconds, I've never seen wood ducks move so fast.
It was awesome.
I got some video of the hunt but haven't put it together yet, when I get it together I'll put it up here.
The sad thing about the drake was it had rice breast pretty bad. He was a beautiful duck but I didn't even clean him, I opened his chest and into the trash he went.
Now like I said the last hunt was the best one, I got permission to shoot a pond that had 60-70 wood ducks on it every night. So I watched it Tues and Wed, and there were easily that many birds showing up on a nightly basis, so I called a buddy of mine and we made plans to shoot it before the weather pushed the birds out. Thursday was the day, Jay showed up at my house at 3:45 with his kids, we all piled into my truck and off we went. Once there it took us a couple minutes to figure out where we were going to set up. Once we figured that out, it seemed as if on cue, that the woodies started diving bombing the pond. After an hour and a half, and a box and a half of shells later we had 6 woodies on the water. I got into the boat and played retriever while Jay policed up the area. That was one of the best shoots I have had in a long time. Those woodies were in and out in a matter of seconds, I've never seen wood ducks move so fast.
It was awesome.
I got some video of the hunt but haven't put it together yet, when I get it together I'll put it up here.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Ducks, ducks, ducks
So.....I had to put my truck into the shop last week. I was having my E-brake line replaced and new shocks put on and they found my sway bar bushings were rusted completely through so I had to have those replaced, as well. I didn't have my truck until Tuesday afternoon, which was O.K. since I had an evening field hunt set up. I made it out to the super secret spot at 3:30 pm, threw out a spread, brushed up the blinds, and waited for the action. At 6:39 pm (sunset) it was apparent there would be no action. I did have a set of mallards working, only for them to get spooked by a passing train. I also turned 4 geese out of a flock of 30 or so but was unable to keep them coming my way. I had as good of a time as one can have and not shoot a thing.
Wednesday, I went to a lake in the area and had better luck. I dropped the first mallard that came over on the all too used 3rd shot. Then I had a pair of wood ducks come in; I shot and dropped the drake but missed the hen. 'Switched my attention back to the drake who was trying to make it to shore, shot and missed, shot and stopped him from getting away. I got out to retrieve my prize (25 yards to my right) and just as I was bending down to pick him up I caught something out of the corner of my eye dropping from the sky.... When I looked over to see what it was, it was the hen falling DOA onto the water. I could not believe my eyes! I stood there in amazement for a couple minutes before going back to the boat in order to retrieve my 3rd prize.
The only other shots I took were on 3 geese that were coming in left to right, low and slow. Easy right.... that's what I thought, until I ran 'er dry with nary a feather to show for it. Looking back I think I flock shot, I don't remember getting on a single bird.
Thursday was a weather challenge to say the least, winds 20-30 mph with 40 mph gusts, with alot of rain. I really hadn't seen that much before 10am and had it in my head that would be the time to skedaddle. The hen redhead changed my mind, she came in and I dropped her in a single shot.
Next I had a gadwall give me a fly-by. I gave him a 5 note with a quack and back he came, 2 shots later I was picking up a beautiful drake. Lastly I had a pair of mallards appear at the edge of my spread, feet down, backpedaling. Once again I dropped the drake on the magical third shot. I need to go through my shells, find the misses and throw them out, or just load the third shell first. Hmmmmm.... that's an idea.
I have almost topped my duck tally from last year already... good times.
Wednesday, I went to a lake in the area and had better luck. I dropped the first mallard that came over on the all too used 3rd shot. Then I had a pair of wood ducks come in; I shot and dropped the drake but missed the hen. 'Switched my attention back to the drake who was trying to make it to shore, shot and missed, shot and stopped him from getting away. I got out to retrieve my prize (25 yards to my right) and just as I was bending down to pick him up I caught something out of the corner of my eye dropping from the sky.... When I looked over to see what it was, it was the hen falling DOA onto the water. I could not believe my eyes! I stood there in amazement for a couple minutes before going back to the boat in order to retrieve my 3rd prize.
The only other shots I took were on 3 geese that were coming in left to right, low and slow. Easy right.... that's what I thought, until I ran 'er dry with nary a feather to show for it. Looking back I think I flock shot, I don't remember getting on a single bird.
Thursday was a weather challenge to say the least, winds 20-30 mph with 40 mph gusts, with alot of rain. I really hadn't seen that much before 10am and had it in my head that would be the time to skedaddle. The hen redhead changed my mind, she came in and I dropped her in a single shot.
Next I had a gadwall give me a fly-by. I gave him a 5 note with a quack and back he came, 2 shots later I was picking up a beautiful drake. Lastly I had a pair of mallards appear at the edge of my spread, feet down, backpedaling. Once again I dropped the drake on the magical third shot. I need to go through my shells, find the misses and throw them out, or just load the third shell first. Hmmmmm.... that's an idea.
I have almost topped my duck tally from last year already... good times.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Woodduck wednesday
I got out last Wednesday and had a pretty good day. I had a goose land right in my spread - good news. I was out moving 3/4's of my goose decoys because the wind switched and my gun was in my blind- bad news. So I didn't get him, I also had a mallard decide to drop in my spread and surprise me. Three shots later he was still flying, I did get this excellent wood duck specimen.
MMMMMMmmm purdy and tasty.
I gotta work one more day, and then watch out waterfowl.
MMMMMMmmm purdy and tasty.
I gotta work one more day, and then watch out waterfowl.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
My waterfowl season has begun
Since work thought it was a good idea to force me to work on Thursday, when they staffed out on Mon. I jumped all over it. Raced home, changed clothes hooked up the duck boat and was hunting by 8am. Even though I was late to my hunting spot it turned out to be a great day. To start the day I had a mink playing around behind me in the bushes.
The first duck I missed was a woodie flying at mock 1 and a little high, so I saluted him and he just kept going. I did ground a goose and a mallard just coming out of eclipse.
So that was yesterday, I got out this morning, a little late but early enough to see the river otters that were making their way down the shoreline to me. I don't think they liked my decoys, cause they stopped short of my spread and popped their heads out to look around. One of them got out and was walking the bank towards me, but I couldn't see him through the brush.
I did get this pic
I know, I know, he looks like Nessie, I assure you it is the head of a river otter. After I got this pic I though there were only 2 then I saw a 3rd otter, pretty cool to see.
After the otters left me I had a bird rocket in from across the water. I thought it was a woody cause he was winging right for the spot I usually have woodies fly to. So I jumped up and dropped him, when I went to pick him up I realized I actually shot a hen hooded merganser. Yuck, I don't like shooting divers cause they taste really bad, but this little girl got to ride in my truck. The only other birds I had a shot at was a 4 pack of gadwalls that came in and buzzed me. If they would've never came back after the second pass I wouldn't have been able to get this guy. Of course my superior calling was the game changer (right).
The first duck I missed was a woodie flying at mock 1 and a little high, so I saluted him and he just kept going. I did ground a goose and a mallard just coming out of eclipse.
So that was yesterday, I got out this morning, a little late but early enough to see the river otters that were making their way down the shoreline to me. I don't think they liked my decoys, cause they stopped short of my spread and popped their heads out to look around. One of them got out and was walking the bank towards me, but I couldn't see him through the brush.
I did get this pic
After the otters left me I had a bird rocket in from across the water. I thought it was a woody cause he was winging right for the spot I usually have woodies fly to. So I jumped up and dropped him, when I went to pick him up I realized I actually shot a hen hooded merganser. Yuck, I don't like shooting divers cause they taste really bad, but this little girl got to ride in my truck. The only other birds I had a shot at was a 4 pack of gadwalls that came in and buzzed me. If they would've never came back after the second pass I wouldn't have been able to get this guy. Of course my superior calling was the game changer (right).
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Moment of silence please
Tuesday was my last fishing day for this year. I got out in the wee hours and caught quite a few largemouths on many different lures. This white bass hit the lottery. I caught him in the morning,and kept him in the live well all day. Since I couldn't catch some company for him I let him go. I'll try to get him next year.
I also got out for some dove hunting on Wednesday. I didn't shoot that well but I did get a couple to ride in the car.
Next week I will be winterizing the boat and putting it in storage. I will also be getting ready for the upcoming waterfowl season.
I cannot wait.
I also got out for some dove hunting on Wednesday. I didn't shoot that well but I did get a couple to ride in the car.
Next week I will be winterizing the boat and putting it in storage. I will also be getting ready for the upcoming waterfowl season.
I cannot wait.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Bow season opener
Well Oct.1st was Indiana's bow opener and this is how I spent my day.
My buddy sold his property and the guy that has been farming it bought the property. He has been taking out fence rows since he bought it and this year the last one came out. The bad news is that was the one with my stands in it, so I am now a displaced bowhunter. So I actually had a chance to try all the great fishing that I have been missing out on. So far I would rather be bowhunting, however I am sure I will change my tune when I can start waterfowl hunting after the 19th.
When I was fishing I noticed a little green grasshopper on my depthfinder right in the morning. That little dude stayed with me all day, either on my depth finder or my trolling motor. He tried to commit suicide once, I rescued him from the depths of Tippy and he stayed with me the rest of the day.

Since my wife is loving she let me go dove hunting on Wed. I went down to Huntington and this is what I found.
I had to wait until after 11am until I could see anything. My shooting was really bad but I did bring home 4 birds. I saw alot of birds but they are really skiddish. I suppose that will happen if someone has been trying to shoot you for the past 2 months.
Well I always have next week, and it will pretty much be a repeat of this week, with the exception of more fish brought to the boat and more birds brought home.
My buddy sold his property and the guy that has been farming it bought the property. He has been taking out fence rows since he bought it and this year the last one came out. The bad news is that was the one with my stands in it, so I am now a displaced bowhunter. So I actually had a chance to try all the great fishing that I have been missing out on. So far I would rather be bowhunting, however I am sure I will change my tune when I can start waterfowl hunting after the 19th.
When I was fishing I noticed a little green grasshopper on my depthfinder right in the morning. That little dude stayed with me all day, either on my depth finder or my trolling motor. He tried to commit suicide once, I rescued him from the depths of Tippy and he stayed with me the rest of the day.

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when I got back to the ramp I let him go |
Since my wife is loving she let me go dove hunting on Wed. I went down to Huntington and this is what I found.
I had to wait until after 11am until I could see anything. My shooting was really bad but I did bring home 4 birds. I saw alot of birds but they are really skiddish. I suppose that will happen if someone has been trying to shoot you for the past 2 months.
Well I always have next week, and it will pretty much be a repeat of this week, with the exception of more fish brought to the boat and more birds brought home.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Finally scored
Last night my buddy Jimmie and I went to the sportsman's DU event we affectionately call "date night". Long story short you get as many raffle tickets as what is in your wingspan, from fingertip to fingertip. Jimmie is 6'8" so he has quite the wingspan. I get tickets for us and we go out and have a really good time.
Sarah doesn't like to go because the first one we went to took til 11pm to end, and with Kathy here now she couldn't go anyway. So I'm pretty lucky Jimmie takes the time out to go with me, this is his 3rd event and he says he has a good time. His wingspan has yet to really pay off but I'm sure one of these years it will.
I usually end up with something I can use at these things and this year was no exception.
I finally got a set of over-sized Green Head Gear duck butts. That was awesome cause I have been putting off buying a set.
Here's the pic:
Oh yeah I also won the Mossberg 835 Ulti-mag.
Sarah doesn't like to go because the first one we went to took til 11pm to end, and with Kathy here now she couldn't go anyway. So I'm pretty lucky Jimmie takes the time out to go with me, this is his 3rd event and he says he has a good time. His wingspan has yet to really pay off but I'm sure one of these years it will.
I usually end up with something I can use at these things and this year was no exception.
I finally got a set of over-sized Green Head Gear duck butts. That was awesome cause I have been putting off buying a set.
Here's the pic:
Oh yeah I also won the Mossberg 835 Ulti-mag.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Last days of early season
I was reading an article this year that you shouldn't show your hand to geese in the early season. That means don't put out all your decoys so you can change it up later in the year. Well I gave it a shot this year, I don't know how many decoys "they" put out but I will say the 14 I was using just wasn't enough.
Yesterday I put out all my decoys, which totals to 30. That's all it took to put some feathers into my boat. It's just shameful that I had to learn this lesson the hard way, and miss out on the other geese that I might have had a shot at if I had the larger spread.
This has to be the lowest number of geese I have ever shot in an early season. I should have changed up my spread last week after the first day.
Oh well live and learn, the lesson I took from this is "they" aren't always right.
I ended up with 2 yes only 2 geese. I could've had one today but he came in while I was picking up my decoys. He wanted in so bad he circled twice and still landed, with me out at my furthest decoy trying to sneak back in to get to my shotgun. I gave him a 3 shot salute but he might have been a little far.
Did you notice I painted my gun??? How's it look??
On Tuesday I got out for some dove hunting and the action was less than spectacular, however my shooting was awesome. I went 4 for 5, the pic only shows 3 doves, because I got the last one while I was picking up my decoys.
Now that early season is over for me, and since I am not bow hunting this year. I will probably go fishing a couple more times before the waterfowl opener on the 19th of Oct. However if I want to squeeze a trigger, dove season will still be open, I'll let them settle down a little first.
Yesterday I put out all my decoys, which totals to 30. That's all it took to put some feathers into my boat. It's just shameful that I had to learn this lesson the hard way, and miss out on the other geese that I might have had a shot at if I had the larger spread.
This has to be the lowest number of geese I have ever shot in an early season. I should have changed up my spread last week after the first day.
Oh well live and learn, the lesson I took from this is "they" aren't always right.
I ended up with 2 yes only 2 geese. I could've had one today but he came in while I was picking up my decoys. He wanted in so bad he circled twice and still landed, with me out at my furthest decoy trying to sneak back in to get to my shotgun. I gave him a 3 shot salute but he might have been a little far.
Did you notice I painted my gun??? How's it look??
On Tuesday I got out for some dove hunting and the action was less than spectacular, however my shooting was awesome. I went 4 for 5, the pic only shows 3 doves, because I got the last one while I was picking up my decoys.
Now that early season is over for me, and since I am not bow hunting this year. I will probably go fishing a couple more times before the waterfowl opener on the 19th of Oct. However if I want to squeeze a trigger, dove season will still be open, I'll let them settle down a little first.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
1,2,3 and it's back to work
Hunting season is finally here, I hunted Tues, Wed, and Thursday morning for geese and went out Tues, and Wed. for doves.
I could've just left my shotgun at home in the mornings. Day one I saw 2 geese, day 2 was missed opportunities, and this morning I had 8 pass by without so much as a look back. I think this is the first opener for me, that I haven't dropped at least one goose.
Oh well I have three more days next week before early season ends.
Dove hunting on the other hand went relatively good. I shot terribly but I did get 17 birds over the 2 days I hunted. The highlight of this dove season is the band I got on the first day. I knew that doves were banded, and I have always looked for bands. This year I didn't pay so much attention, and when I was cleaning my birds I just happened to look down into the trash and see the band on one of my dove's legs.
AWESOME and lucky, I have already reported the number but have yet to hear back. When I get the info I'll let'cha know.
Nothing really happens without pics, so here they are:

I could've just left my shotgun at home in the mornings. Day one I saw 2 geese, day 2 was missed opportunities, and this morning I had 8 pass by without so much as a look back. I think this is the first opener for me, that I haven't dropped at least one goose.
Oh well I have three more days next week before early season ends.
Dove hunting on the other hand went relatively good. I shot terribly but I did get 17 birds over the 2 days I hunted. The highlight of this dove season is the band I got on the first day. I knew that doves were banded, and I have always looked for bands. This year I didn't pay so much attention, and when I was cleaning my birds I just happened to look down into the trash and see the band on one of my dove's legs.
AWESOME and lucky, I have already reported the number but have yet to hear back. When I get the info I'll let'cha know.
Nothing really happens without pics, so here they are:

Thursday, August 29, 2013
2 for Goo
I have been watching the forums for Lake Michigan and aparrently the kings and coho are staging in 20 to 50 fow. So on Tues. I went up to try my luck, I trolled for 8 hours, only to put 2 gaspergoo's in the boat. They are actually freshwater drum, they remind me of a sheepshead, nothing but trash.

They put up a pretty good fight, but they are NOT KINGS.
Count down to my goose and dove opener: 4 days and a wake up.... cannot wait...

They put up a pretty good fight, but they are NOT KINGS.
Count down to my goose and dove opener: 4 days and a wake up.... cannot wait...
Thursday, August 15, 2013
playin' catch up
Alright let's play some catch up... 2 weeks ago I made a trip to Tippy. Tippy is quickly becoming my second favorite lake to fish. The chance of rain was a mere 0%, this is what I got.
Before the superstorm hit the fishing was awesome, with the largemouth and white bass were chasing and crashing the shad on the surface. I actually started the video recording so I could catch some of the action and got the storm instead. I caught and released alot of fish and kept 4 for supper.
Then on the way back to the landing I caught a couple bass froggin'.
Last week I made another voyage up to Lake Michigan and put in at Michigan City. It was the first time in 3 years that I put in up there. I started at dawn and wanted to motor out to 90 fow but only made it to 83 fow before I dropped lines and started trolling. The waves and wind was from the South, so the further out I went the worse it got. I trolled all the way back in (5 mi) and around the mouth of Trail Creek without even a bump. Another 0, that made it 3 zero's for the year and very well might be the last time I go up this year. Remember kids dove and early goose opens on Sept.1.
This week I went to Tippy again and got into the largemouth, many fish caught but nothing big so no pics. I hopped over to Chapman around 2 or so and fished there til 7. By then I was pretty tired so I packed up and headed for home. All in all had a pretty good day.
I gotta work next Thurs. so I probably won't be going out unless the silver fish start showing up on Lake Michigan. I know I said it might be the last time this year, but I just can't help myself.
Then on the way back to the landing I caught a couple bass froggin'.
This week I went to Tippy again and got into the largemouth, many fish caught but nothing big so no pics. I hopped over to Chapman around 2 or so and fished there til 7. By then I was pretty tired so I packed up and headed for home. All in all had a pretty good day.
I gotta work next Thurs. so I probably won't be going out unless the silver fish start showing up on Lake Michigan. I know I said it might be the last time this year, but I just can't help myself.
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