Saturday, November 9, 2013

Still no geese

I hunted on Tues. Wed. and Thur. of last week and brought home 1 hen mallard, 1 drake mallard and 3 wood ducks respectively. The last hunt was definitely the best. Here's the first 2 pics.

The sad thing about the drake was it had rice breast pretty bad. He was a beautiful duck but I didn't even clean him, I opened his chest and into the trash he went.

Now like I said the last hunt was the best one, I got permission to shoot a pond that had 60-70 wood ducks on it every night. So I watched it Tues and Wed, and there were easily that many birds showing up on a nightly basis, so I called a buddy of mine and we made plans to shoot it before the weather pushed the birds out. Thursday was the day, Jay showed up at my house at 3:45 with his kids, we all piled into my truck and off we went. Once there it took us a couple minutes to figure out where we were going to set up. Once we figured that out, it seemed as if on cue, that the woodies started diving bombing the pond. After an hour and a half, and a box and a half of shells later we had 6 woodies on the water. I got into the boat and played retriever while Jay policed up the area. That was one of the best shoots I have had in a long time. Those woodies were in and out in a matter of seconds, I've never seen wood ducks move so fast.
It was awesome.
I got some video of the hunt but haven't put it together yet, when I get it together I'll put it up here.

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