Saturday, December 28, 2013

The day before the last day of Duck season

Well I went to do some pass shooting at the same spot. I think the ducks are more aware of me being there. They flew over but a little higher and a little off center. I was able to drop one on my second shot only to have it glide to the middle of the lake. I was so disgusted with this turn of events I packed it in with 2 hours of daylight left. This is probably a good time to tell you that the lake is covered in ice, but it's still only an inch or three thick.
I went home to formulate a plan to retrieve my prize. The first thing I thought was I would wait til morning. It was pretty warm that day and it would firm up the ice. I called my neighbor and he let me borrow his john boat, so with that, all my Potlatch rope, along with 2 metal spikes, 1 hook, 2 wood poles, and some duct tape. I should be able to claw my way out the 200 yards then just use the rope to pull myself back to shore. So after spending all night going over the plan and trying to think of anything else that would help I went to bed knowing the amount of work that I was in for the next day.
Saturday I got up before light, grabbed my rope and supplies threw them in the back of the truck. Went over to my neighbors put his boat in the back of the truck and headed off to the lake. When I got there I pulled out my binos and scanned the surface for my duck....... no duck. I looked for a good 10 minutes for something that I saw the day before with the naked eye. Nope no duck, something ate my duck and it wasn't me. So back home I went, unpacked all the gear and sat down at the computer to tell you the story.
So sad......

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