Thursday, February 26, 2015

Scored again

This was the last day for me to coyote hunt; I stop at the end of February because fox season closes. Let me explain: it would drive me nuts if I called in a fox and wouldn't be able to shoot it.
As it was yesterday I actually saw 5 coons just walking around in corn fields eating... season has been closed for a while. They must have known it was closed because they didn't even care what I was doing they just kept doing their thing.
Coyote hunting this year has been spectacular, I can't remember ever doing this well on public property which leads me to ask the question, what's different? It's either I'm getting better at the coyote game, my new caller has magical powers (foxpro), or there are just more coyotes, of course I hope it's not the last one. (more coyotes = less critters)
Anyway I went to Mississinewa yesterday and scored on a dog on my 2nd or 3rd stand. She actually came in hot from down wind side, and ran within 5 yards of me. I have a 3x9x50 Leupold scope on my Remington and I keep it on magnification 4.5, so half way. This coyote was so close all I could see was hair, so I got ahead of her and fell back a little then squeezed the trigger. She dropped like she hit a truck, again the exit hole was the size of a baseball. I guess 50 to the 150 yard mark is the optimum for pencil entry holes and no exit holes. Not that it really bothers me I just try to put fur in the truck.
picture taken from where I was sitting

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