Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Coyote hunt / Turkey scouting

I went down to Miss. Res. yesterday to do some turkey scouting and coyote hunting. Started at sunrise at one end of the property and just started making set after set. Well when I got to my 5th or 6th set I noticed that my sunglasses pouch had been pulled out of the snapped pocket I had it in. Normally I would've been like,"oh well" but I had a 20$ pair of sunglasses in there. So here were my options:
1. Trudge back trhough the snow and hope to find them.
2. Forget about it go on with my day and tell Sarah I needed to get another pair of sunglasses. By the way she already thinks that between sunglasses,flashlights,knives,decoys and fishing poles and reels that I already have more than I will need in a lifetime.
So I was forced to backtrack and look for my sunglasses. Fortunately I found them on the second to last stand I made, bad news it was across a field with foot deep snow. Since I found the missing sunglasses it was back to checking for turkey tracks and trying to find a coyote.
Well I was on my last stand on my second sound only 8 minutes in when I notice a coyote milling around in the field in front of me. He didn't want to come in but he didn't want to leave either. So I switched sounds and tried to get him to commit. Well he turned and started walking up the field not really too interested. So when he came to a clearing and stopped I served up the 50 grain V-max that put him down. Then I dropped a second round in him just for insurance so I didn't have to track him. Looked about 130 yards to me at the time after checking on google earth it measured out to 150.
First coyote with my new caller and new stock on my 222. My equipment worked flawlessly.
I did see some turkey tracks so if I get drawn this spring I'll be ready.

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