Thursday, March 3, 2022

I'm back, stay patient there's alot to go over.

 We're going to start with this week... ready? 

Here we go....

This week was the last week of hunting before the Turkey hunting break in April. Cliff got a coyote gun this year and wanted to try coyote hunting, which I thought he might like. This week we hunted Mississinewa for coyote and fox. The weather was better than it was last week but still not the best Indiana has to offer. With the temps from 30's to 40ish for the entirety of the day I really didn't think we would see much, but getting out would still be fun.
For the first half of the day we hit my best spots with nothing to show except hawks, eagles, and owl sightings. The highlight of the day was right around noon right before lunch, we headed way back to call a spot I knew had plenty of yotes in years past. 
We were set up on a grassy "fencerow" between 2 fields about 10' apart, with the caller 15 yards in front of us up on a branch. We both had 12' wide paths to look down and Cliff actually had 2, 1 in front of him and 1 off to the right. We got to the 13 minute mark in the calling sequence and Cliff says,"Jeff" I look over to my right, at him, when I turn my head to look at him I hear the rustle of the corn stalks to my left. Cliff's motioning that he sees something in front, I told him to shoot it. He says that he only saw the tail and after another 5 or 10 minutes of calling we decide to slowly get up and walk down to where he saw the tail. Well after piecing everything together, this is how I feel it went down.
Cliff was watching the path to the right of him and didn't see the RED FOX coming down the left side of the path in front of him. The grass pretty much obstructed his view, (if he had been in the chair like I told him to he would've had a better vantage) but I digress. The fox took the path that cut the grass where the caller was and when he picked up my scent, he gone. When Cliff said my name the sound I heard when I turned my head was the fox making a clean get away through the corn, the proof was in the tracks. 
 Cliff was pretty disgusted 😡 with the events and all I could do was put together what happened and laugh.... he didn't find it as funny as I did 😆😇. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful and eventually I was running out of ways to remind him what had happened with his first predator encounter. It was definitely a learning experience for him that he won't soon forget.... if I have my way.

The week before that Cliff and I went to Salamonie to get our steps in. We called in the usual i.e. hawks and eagles but no fur, it was a really warm day I think it was up around 50 💩. Other than that nothing to report.

The week prior to that week was my first week out of waterfowl and onto coyote and fox. I went to Huntington by myself and knocked around the property in search for coyote and fox. None of which I was able to locate... I was able to find where the turkeys are hangin' out, April's only a short couple months away 😉.

The week before that was the last week of waterfowl and boy did we burn it up. Sunday after work I went south and found birds on one of my fields..... finally. They haven't been there all year and when they finally got there they just took up residence.
Monday Jake and I got to the field and got set up a little after daybreak. The birds came in a couple small flocks but mostly one's and two's, we were done by 9:17 am. We decided to go to the truck and let the birds in to eat so we could get another shoot in later in the week.
Tuesday Jake had something going on so I hit my river spot since all the water had turned hard. 
I had to wait all day but I did manage my limit and just when I was 1 bird out my buddy Jerry (who owns the land) came down to chat..... with his A-5. In 20 minutes or so I was able to bring in 2 double's which he took one from each and I finished my limit.
In all the time I've been hunting here Jerry always comes down to chat toting a shotgun. This was the first time he ever took a couple. It was a really good day.

Wednesday Jake got a hold of his buddy Andy to hunt the same field for the second time that week. It took a little longer than Monday... Andy's first time out this year... but we all pulled in a limit, plus a bonus bird that I was lucky enough to shoot. I think it's a hybrid Canada and Greylag goose, it's at the taxidermist as I write this. I think we were done by 10? in the morning and again we held off picking up decoys until the geese were done in the field. We had one more day to hunt and we thought we would be able to finish the season in that field.
Thursday it was the last day of season for me and we decided to give my field one last go for the year. Again it took a little longer, we think it was because of all the blood on the snow from that week. But we shot another 3 man limit out of that field. I want to say we were done by 10:30ish when we started packing up and heading to Moe's for lunch, which did every day we hunted this field.
 The hunts on that field were alot of fun everyone was cutting up and having a good time.
I did get alot of video that I still have to edit but here's some after limit antics.
At the end of this week I put 20 geese in my freezer. We took 40 geese out of this field in 3 days, plus a stuffer. I think we all had a really good time, I know we all had a couple great hunts. 
I'm sure you're all wondering where Cliff was. Well, I called him everyday and did everything but go to his house and take him at gunpoint, but he just couldn't make it. I felt bad cause he missed one heck of a season ender 😢.

Well now we're all caught up... 
 March is fix it month and I've got some projects to get done in the house and on the boat before fishing season kicks off in April. 
I'll try to drop some pics and words to let you know what I'm up to.

Until then take care.

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