Thursday, March 24, 2022

Everythings getting done

Yep only one more week of projects before my fishing season officially kicks off. This week found me getting most of the little nitty gritty done. I finally got to the sewing I've been putting off for a while now. I did however forget one pair of pants that I'll have to get to next week.
I also made a step for the boat. Last year I found it awkward to get to the bow, where I keep the cooler. I found myself stepping to the side of my seat and balancing to the front over my seat. Since I didn't want to do a full body water check this year I made a step to make it easier to get to the cooler.
Yeah I know there's a cooler below the step right.... well that's my food cooler not my fish storage cooler. The step isn't permanent, I wanted it to be removable so when I'm not trolling I can take it out.
Neff get your wife..... I also diy'd some under cupboard lights, which I've wanted to do for a while. I have always hated how dark it is on my main food prep counter. I was waiting to get my hood up so find out if it was hard wired or if I had to put a plug in, in. Well, it was hard wired so I put the light plug in another outlet. 
I know what your thinking... what is that white thing hanging down? Honestly I noticed it when I posted this picture so hold on while I find out. 
O.K. so what I found was the old battery operated light switch light that I stuck up there when I first moved in, don't worry its down and in my drawer now.
So that's pretty much it, I fiddle farted around with rods and reels, and decided to change out my trolling line. Retied some fluorocarbon leaders and stripped some reels.... you know just the usual prefishing rituals. 
I should be ready when April hits to start up on Lake Michigan for the Coho "run".

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