Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Not fit for man nor beast....

Monday it snowed all day, I went to look for geese and hit rain 30 minutes South of me. On the plus side, I found geese in my late season field. The bad thing is, the landowner didn't get his backfield planted so all his deer are eating in the same field the geese are in. Since they are huge deer hunters, they don't want the shots scattering the deer. That being said I'm out my best late-season spot for this year.
Today is windy which really drops the temp with the windchill, stay home day.
Wednesday is more of the same if not worse, I've heard -45 windchill. I'll believe that when I see it, it is really hard to call yotes in that kind of wind.... I still might give 'er a try. Not sure yet what I'm going to do, but it may be another stay at home day.

CRAP........   😢😢😢: ( 😢😢😢

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