Friday, January 22, 2010

Coon huntin' last Tues.

Yes I went out, I went up to Mongo for some daytime callin'. Now let me just say, I've been told that coons don't like to run in the snow.
Horsepuckey I saw tracks in soft snow (then) and mud tracks in the harder snow (now). I think what had 'em runnin' was the cold temps for so long followed by the warm temps. Anywho, I did make it out and knocked on 6 or 7 doors.
Nobody was home, or at least they didn't want to come out. So after seeing all the tracks I decided to try some nite time callin'. So I packed up and went home to take a nap.
When I got up at 8:18 pm I still wasn't convinced I would see anything. So I checked the temp and went to the front door and looked outside. COON, right in the front yard just meandering around looking for something to eat. I got excited, ran upstairs (walked fast) and threw on my coon hunting attire. I grabbed my light and call and was off.
I went down to Huntington and made 6-7 stands. Nothing, I didn't even call in a possum or see a set of eyes all night. So, tired and depressed I made it home by midnight, I went upstairs to brush my teeth. I left the light off as I always do, so I can see outside to the bird feeder.
Yep, COON in the back yard scarfing up the birdseed on the ground and eating the leftover squirrel food. It seems the city coons were out and the country coons stayed home.
Anyway that was last week and I'll give her heck this week as well. Hopefully I'll have some fur to show for my efforts.
As you can see I need it so- wish me luck.

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