Now the bad new was the front was supposed to be showing up around 9 am. So I got out around 7:30 am and started putting out the spread along with the layout blind. I got done just in time to lay back in the blind and watch the snow fall. The toughest thing about field hunting in the snow is: keeping the snow off you face long enough to fall asleep. The second hardest thing is keeping your dekes free from snow. I had to brush off my dekes at least 5 x's during this hunt.
I don't know what time they started flying but they were late, even for geese. The first group that passed within range turned out to be just a bunch of rubberneckers, I managed to cull one out of that flock. I saw a massive flock coming from behind me, no takers. They were passing here and there not really interested in my spread. They pretty much just followed the first flock. I could get'em to bend but not deviate from their course. This is probably a good time to mention the wind settled in and was coming from the wrong direction. It was supposed to be WSW and turned out more ESE. So that means the wind was coming from my right foot over to my left shoulder as I lay there. I did move my dekes best as I could but it was not an ideal situation.
Any way I finally had a flock working the way I wanted. They were working in great and just when they looked like they were going to pass me by and land just behind me. They hooked right in to the kill zone. I took my limit goose with one shot. I started walking up to my prize and he raised his head. So I shouldered the gun aimed high to the head and fired, and fired. Crap goose still not down, foot race me VS the goose. Now take a minute to picture the staypuff marshmallow man running down a goose in the middle of a field. . . . . I'll wait. OK now that your done laughing, I forgot to mention that I tripped did a beautiful shoulder roll, planted my shotgun in the snow, got up and practically tackled that goose. . . . I'll wait again. . . . With my goose in one hand and my frozen snow covered shotgun in the other I walked back to my layout giggling the whole way. Still had a great day, here's the pics

This is pretty much what my spread looked like most of the day. I tried to keep 'em cleaned off but the snow was really comin' down.
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