Thursday, May 30, 2024

My brother and I went fishing yesterday

 The rain was really coming down at 4am when I woke up, so I got up and watched the weather. The storms were suppose to pass a little later in the morning so I finished my coffee and went back to bed and took a nap. I awoke at 7 and did not hear any rain so I got up, hooked up the boat and headed out the door. On the way I called my brother to chat about how I DELETED ALL MY CONTACTS, only to find out he was also going fishing that morning. So as I drove I chatted to Jason about the goings on down here while he picked up and dropped off kids and eventually was on his way to the lake he was fishing on. The weird thing was by the time I got to my landing, he was pulling into the landing of the lake he was on. So we hung up and headed out. I gotta say he did better than I did, he caught some pike, a walleye and many SDR's on bass. While I only caught......
I caught these guys on Max and when it got too windy to stay on I loaded up and headed a little south to Nyona lake. Needless to say I didn't catch anything there and left with no fish slim on my hands by 6:37. Oh well, as far as fishing goes it was relaxing and enjoyable. Both Erie and Michigan were not good lakes to be on this week...... maybe in a couple weeks.

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