Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Long but fun

 Did alot of stupid stuff yesterday... like.... thinking my phone and wallet are in the truck only to go 5 miles from home, stop and look for them. Get back in the truck and go back home, only to finally find them on the side of the boat.... FUN. 
looking back at it, that was really the dumbest thing I did do... thought there was more. 
Anywho, finally got to the lake and fishing by 7ish (really late) boated my first coho around 7:30 and thought this was going to be a quick day. I was wrong... I only had 1 SDR, and 1 LDR which was a really nice fish. I think I lost him cause he was hooked weird/snagged maybe? He just wasn't fighting "right" he felt like a big fish but came unbuttoned on a lure, hook configuration that I just don't have fish come off. Still scratchin' my head over that one. I was able to put 4 fish in the boat only missing my limit by one, and I really wanted that 5th fish, but it was not to be.I fished until 5ish before I finally threw in the towel.
 Nothing broke, nothing lost this trip so it was a good day.

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