Thursday, September 14, 2023

doubled up

 The weather was kinda cool
and the forecast was more of the same, so it's time for another dove hunt. I got to the field at daybreak with plans of staying all day. The day was beautiful 
and the doves were flying... kinda, after a couple moves on the field I was able to get under the flight path. I had 1 in the cooler when a flock of geese flew right over me. It was all I could muster not to try a shot @ 20 yards. I put my second dove in the cooler then the weather moved in
The first bit of rain almost missed me it rained like you were shaking out a colander, big drops no wet. This next front looked a bit meaner so I did what any hardcore dove master would do.... I picked up my crap and got the flock out of the field. I was home by 6ish with only 2 dove to show for a day in the field.... MMMMmmm dove poppers (next week).

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