Thursday, September 9, 2021

Getting better

 No not the dove hunting, my shooting. Monday I started at Jake's sitting under his apple tree hoping for a couple dove. I didn't shoot a dove but I did get a pigeon. After a couple hours of watching my mojo spin on the dirt field I shot up to Mongo and got my first dove of the day. So total 2 shots 2 birds for Monday.
 Wednesday was the first day that I could walk the fields for dove at Mongo. I walked all but 3 fields and went 5 for 8 which isn't as good as Monday but still a stellar day. The really cool thing was everything I saw yesterday. I saw 7 turkeys, 1 Bald eagle, 1 fawn, and I even kicked up 2 hen pheasant all while I was walking up the fields looking for dove. It turned out to be a pretty good day.
Today Cliff drove me into Fort Wayne to pick up my truck. That's a story that continues to grow.I'll share more when I have time later this month. Next week is the goose early season opener, really hoping to put some big birds on the ground.

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