Thursday, December 3, 2020

Busy week

Monday we had a storm cell moving in so I headed to the Fort for a quick goose hunt. It was also the first time I used my new gopro 8, the picture is alot better than I expected.
I had limit by 8 but got stuck in my blind because of all the geese in the field. I was waiting for them to eat and leave, when I got too cold I decided to get out and pack up. The funny thing is the geese didn't even care, I walked a couple hundred yards, got the wheeler, ran it into the spread, packed up and left. All with a hundred plus geese watching me and eating. 
Spot saved for another week. 👍
Tuesday I took the boat over to Big Turkey lake. The last time I hunted there after a snow I had a super hunt. This hunt did not disappoint, I could've had my first duck limit of the year but they caught me hunting by sound. By the time I knew they were there, they were on their way out.
Since Wednesday was going to be warmer I headed to Mongo at sunrise for pheasant clean up. I hunted with a couple guys I met while hunting. The had an older German short-hair named "Ralphie" which if you have ever seen "A Christmas Story", made me laugh out loud. We hunted hard until Ralphie got tired around 2pm then Ron and Tim took Ralphie home and I stayed out. I finally found a couple birds the first one was a complete whiff and the second I hit. After an extensive search I wasn't able to find the pheasant, I needed Ralphie.I decided to continue on with the hunt. I was finally able to find 3 more birds 1 went down, 1 was a complete whiff, and 1 got a way. 
I called it a day at 4pm.

At least I'll be eating pheasant this year. Next week is forecasted to be sunny all week so I might try to get out again and add one or two more to the freezer.

Wanted to give a special shout out to Ron, Tim and Ralphie, thanks for allowing me to tag along. I had a great time.

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