Thursday, November 26, 2020

Turkey week

 First let me say, "Happy Thanksgiving" to everyone. I thought about going duck hunting today but decided to stay home. Holidays are a toss up, usually they fall on my days off and when they do they negate the reason I work when I work. Because everyone is off and usually out in the field, so I usually stay home. Anyway that's what's going on here today, I already made my turkey and turkey soup yesterday. So there's no cooking to be done just hangin' out and being lazy. 
Now, let's go back to last Saturday. As we all know I work on the weekends and when I get home I take off my boots, take a shower, go into the kitchen to get supper warmed up. While that's warming I always look out my kitchen window into my back yard. 
Well, this is what I saw....

Someone had burnt off all my underbrush and nearly caught my shed on fire, which truth be told would've been a good thing, I do need a new shed.
Back to Saturday, I was furious that someone would have the sack to not only go on my property, but to burn it off without even consulting me first. I was so mad I had a hard time getting to sleep, but I realized all the questions would have to wait until my week is over.
When Sunday came around I had to get ready for a hunt on Monday so I didn't have time to query any of my neighbors. 
After my hunt...
I headed over to my neighbor Bills to ascertain what had happened. He told me the guy across from me, not the one I had initially thought had done it, had started the fire to burn out leaves and a stump and for whatever reason just left. Well, I found out this guy is 3 sammiches short of a picnic anyway, and the fire just got out of control and he freaked out. The neighbor who I initially thought had set it was actually the one who called the fire department. Yes, apparently they had raked the leaves away from my shed and when they saw it was a loosing battle, had called the fire dept. When fire got to the property they had a pump truck watering down the shed and putting out the fire. It was going so good they had to go down to the road and get more water to finish putting it out.
So at the end of the day there was really no one sane to blame it just is. I only hope my black berry bushes come back in.
Tuesday I went to a local lake for a duck hunt, this was supposed to be the coldest day of the week with a chance of snow. Well, that forecast didn't disappoint, the day started at 27 degrees and after 8 the snow started. Unfortunately it didn't help the duck hunting but I did get one before I called it a day. I didn't get a pic because of the snow but if I had it would've looked something like this.
 Yesterday it rained all day so I stayed home and cooked, today well.... we already went over that. 
Happy Thanksgiving ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ— ๐Ÿ˜ด

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