Thursday, November 12, 2020

Why is everyone happy with this heat????

Since it was spose to be damn hot on Monday I decided to do my house stuff. Which this week consisted of shopping, running to get my deer and delivering to my landowner. As I was going over a paved road and onto a dirt road all of a sudden my car was making alot more noise than usual. I pulled over and got under the car to see what had broken now. My muffler had rusted off right behind the catalytic converter and dropped onto the dirt road. As I'm trying to figure out what I need to do to make it home, a truck was rollin' down the dirt road with a cloud of dust enough to cover a semi. As he got closer he started to slow down, I looked a little closer and it was my long lost minion, you know... this guy.

Well, we hung out for a couple minutes and shot the shit about his hunting season. I "fixed" the issue and continued on to my landowner's, who wasn't home so I headed home. After an hour or so of workin' on my muffler it is sounding better than it has in years, under 20$ to "fix" the issue. 
Tuesday was a little cooler in the morning so I got out and watched 4 ducks, then I went home. Wednesday was cool also it was also a fairly cloudy day, so I stayed out til after noon. Glad I stayed because I actually got to, not only shoot at a duck but bring one home with me.
Today was the coolest of all 3 days however it also brought the fog, which was really thick at times. I worked a couple singles but nothing wanted to come in.
Off to the right you couldn't even see 50 yards it was also slick calm most of the day. For the most part slick calm is something you just don't want to see. 
I can only hope next week yields better results.

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