Thursday, September 19, 2019

Early season all but over for me

With early goose season opening on the 14th this year I took Sat. and Sun. off. I got an invite to hunt with Jake and a few of his friends on Sat. It was a great way to start the early goose season. One of the guys who hunted with us works as a crop duster, apparently, his boss found out where he was hunting on Sat. This may have been only a close flyby but unfortunately, there was a full moon out in the early morning and the pilot took exception to it...
 Once the hunt was over and everything was packed up we were short a couple birds but it will be the hunt to top this year.
 From left to right: Cody, Tucker, Aaron, Chad, Nate, James, Zeb, Me, John, Jake

From there it just went downhill we just didn't have any birds.
Jake, Sean and I went to one of Jake's spots on Sunday. We shot a couple geese in the morning then Sean and I shot over to Mongo to try to get on some teal I found there a week prior during a dove hunt. We didn't find the teal but Sean got a dove...
Monday stayed home and got some chores done, Tuesday more of the same from Monday. Wednesday Jake and I hunted the same pond as Sunday. We didn't get anything but there were more geese in the area. After the morning hunt, I headed home caught a quick nap and shot over to Mongo to try some pass shooting. Sean and I saw where the geese were flying through to get to a feed just East of Mongo. So I signed in and got set up, I did get one goose but that was all that came close enough for a shot. Sorry, no pic forgot to get one. Thursday I was going to go hunt a lake nearby but I just couldn't get out of bed. So essentially that was my early season goose hunt. It was a pretty busy week but it really got me ready for the second season, in a month. Before that starts though we have opening fall turkey and deer archery season, I'm looking forward to both of those.

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