Thursday, November 15, 2018

Gettin' colder

We've got a lot of the local lakes lockin' up, so the open water is becoming prime real estate. We still don't have a bunch of geese and the geese we do have aren't staying in one field. They're kinda just hoppin' from field to field, so there's no way to set up in any one field and have any kind of success.
Back to the water situation, most of the main bodies are open but the landings that are somewhat sheltered are freezing up pretty quick.
Through all that, I did have some success this week on Big Turkey. Monday it was kinda a fly by shoot and this Suzie got too close.
 Slowly but surely I'm putting together a meal.
Tuesday I went with Jake to one of his fields and just kinda hung out and bullshitted. Oh yeah, we did throw out and air out all his decoys then put them all back in the trailer.
Wednesday I went back out to Big Turkey. Remember the ice I was talking about earlier? Well, I never thought my boat would break that much ice. I broke out a channel at least 150 yards long some thicker some just skim ice, but I was determined to get out. Thankfully I was rewarded for my efforts with a brace of ducks. This is the closest I've been to shooting a limit this year. I needed one more mallard and I would've had my mallard limit.
 The cool thing about this hunt was all the mallards were landing in my decoys, they weren't just passing by. The ringneck, well he came shooting by in a 12 pack and he didn't fly fast enough. I hate eating divers so I usually don't shoot them, but it was pretty fun.

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