Thursday, July 2, 2015

Happy July

Let's see where to begin, my week was pretty hectic.
 Since we moved in here we have had ivy growing on the corners of our house so as long as there was green there I really didn't notice. Until we took a closer look only to see we had poison ivy taking over and choking out the good ivy. So we had some guys come in and remove all of that on Friday. We dropped 240$ on the removal of the poison ivy that was covering three corners of the house.
I went fishing at Max this week figuring the water was going to be warm enough to dive for my lost lure. Welll the water was 74 degrees but the vis was terrible. Normally on this lake you can see bottom at 10 feet. Since all the storms and rain and people getting ready for the fourth the lake was really churned up, I could only see 3 or 4 feet down. So I scratched the lure retrieval and concentrated on catching fish, which really didn't pan out either. I caught a couple good bass, two very short walleye's and a couple small perch.
eye's bigger than his stomach
Looking at that picture makes me realize how much skill it takes to catch a fish that small.

Since there is another lake that's close I decided to hop over and see if the fish were biting any better over there. Well long story short they weren't, I didn't even catch one. I did get to go through a high water area though.
 We've had alot of water.
Let's see what else.... oh yeah, that sore throat I had on Saturday finally went away and turned into a full blown summer cold.
Lucky Me
And I almost forgot, the quick disconnect bracket that holds my fish finder broke.
boy oh boy what a week I wonder what next week will hold.

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