Monday, December 22, 2014

Went all week without firing a shot

Well at least that is true for geese, I hunted every day but Thursday and never even took the safety off.
I went out Wednesday night for coon and only managed one. I saw four others but they were on private property so I couldn't shoot 'em. I am going to make at least one more trip down to Mississinewa after I get my new foxpro. Last week when I was down there I found a beaver pond and I think if I put a babbling brook sound on the foxpro the beaver will come to investigate it.
Since everyone is into selfies these days I took a selfie too, it was with my camera but I still think it should be considered a selfie.
I shot that muskrat right early in the morning. That answers the age old question,"if I shoot a muskrat in the water will it sink?" No would be the answer. I saw him swimming along and "snuck" up to within 30 yards, aimed a little high and let the steel fly. When I got up to him he was floating on a weed mat. I took him and dropped him in the water and sure enough he floated. So I added one more pelt to my fur pile, which I hoping to bring in today after the morning duck hunt. $$$$$

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