That's right I said it, give me a bluebird day
That being said I had my first solo field hunt today. I found out last
nite that the corn had been picked, and there were already geese in the field. So I
hastily readied for a
impromptu field shoot. I made it to the field 1 hour and a half early. I started putting out a spread and setting up my layout blind. As shooting time rolled around I was putting the finishing touches on my blind. Finally it was time to relax.........what the???
rain, man I hate hunting in the rain. So I was laying in a layout blind, in the rain, waiting for the arrival of some waterfowl.
8:00 am is what my watch said. I was going to give it another hour, and if I don't see any birds, I'm going to pack it in. I hate hunting in the rain.
8:22 am- goose limit filled, now I'm only shooting ducks. I had the first flock of geese come in and 3 shots later I had my 2 geese. So I figured what the heck I'm already wet, and I can take 4
qwackers. I had pairs filter in, from which I took my duck limit. The first 2 I took 1, the next 2 I dropped 2,the third pair I took a nice drake. There ya go limited out by 9:45.

I packed everything up and made it home by 10:30. Cleaned my birds, opened and hung
everything up
. This took until 3:00 pm, of course I had to rearrange the whole garage to get all my soaking wet gear propped up and open enough to dry. I'm hoping that it will all be dry by next week cause I might give 'er heck again.
Yep, I hate hunting in the rain....... but it's still better than workin'.