I actually found the cable I needed to extend the throttle on my kicker. So this was kind of a trial mission as well as a fishing trip. Needless to say it worked flawlessly and I actually managed to catch a couple fish in the process. Spent most of the day trolling for rainbow's to no avail. I did however manage to land this 3 pound smallie.
Now we'll talk about the "curse" part. Ya see I've fished this lake a couple times last year, and not only did it yield some nice fish it also ate at least one of my lures. To which my wife says "you loose lures all the time". I do not or at least did not until she started saying that I lose lures all the time. So far this year I have lost 2 more lures on that lake. One last trip that got broke off by a hammer handle, I had the bugger right next to the boat when he snapped off and spit the lure. So I marked where the lure went down on my GPS and dove for it on this trip. No I did not find it, so I am down 2 flicker shad- one small pearl white and one large chartreuse pearl.
This trip I hooked up on a nice bass using one of my favorite spinnerbaits- a lime chartreuse Terminator. Well I shouldn't have to tell you what happened .....yep snapped him off just as I got him to the boat. I dove for that one too with the same result...nada. And to make matters worse, as I was packin' up my gear gettin' ready to head home I snapped off one of my pole holders.
I swear if I didn't use this lake as my Lake X, I would probably stop going there. But since this is where I trial all my "improvements" I can't just stop. It's close enough to just hang it up and head home if something doesn't work, or doesn't start (knock on wood).
So not sure where I'll be fishing next week but I'll find water somewhere.
By the way my wife has since taken the curse off me.
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