Thursday, September 26, 2024

Just a quick question

 Who can tell me what this is.....

I had to take the boat out 1 last time

 Let's start with Monday which was suppose to rain off and on. I decided to do some projects around the house that needed done. Including filling my new/used "gun" safe with my ammo, thereby making it an ammo safe. With bow season opening on the first I thought it might be a good idea to go out and look at my stand. So I waited for the rain to stop and headed over. 4 hours later I had the saplings all cut, overhangs cut and new pipe insulation on the shooting rest. Ready for season..... 👍
As you may already know I was having engine issues on the boat. When they all started my "buddy" said he would get it tuned and sell it, as it really isn't what I need. When I built the boat I made it to cast and troll and what I have found out is I do alot more trolling on big water. So I followed his advice and got it stripped and tuned. I had to take it out to test the motor and see how it ran.... it ran great. 
When I was thinking about where to go I decided on someplace close just a run out and back kinda place. I went 15 minutes from the house on Jimmerson lake which connects to Lake James. James in a big lake with alot of 3-5 foot humps to fish, and I hit a third of them.
I didn't catch any big fish but I caught A BUNCH of them, and it seems for every fish I caught I had to stick myself with a hook, not past the barb but it still stung. 
Here's a couple of the "bigger" one's.
Anyway it wasn't about the fishing, which was a blast, but more about the motor. Now I gotta get my gear out of it, vacuum it, clean the hull and get some pics to list on Facebook.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

As promised

 Last week started with a little goose scouting that ended up looking like this.
Yep, all Tom turkeys.
Tuesday ended up a little better, I found 60 or so geese in the front yard of one of my landowner's brothers.  After a text session between the brother and myself, he ended up giving me permission to shoot it the next morning. 
There was only one safe way to shoot this and that was to literally put my head up to the driveway and only shoot South.
I was a little worried the geese would be a no show, only because they are not very patternable in early season. They however did not disappoint I had a flock of 10 or so come in first of which I dropped 3.
I had my camera all set up but missed the first flock, and when the next started in I didn't want to miss them. So, I tried to get the camera going from the time I first heard them til they started landing. Since I couldn't get the camera recording and I had geese on the ground I decided to fill my limit. I shot 2 out of that flock, however I sailed one into the beans that I couldn't find.
So with my "limit" I packed it in and headed for the house.
This is the only goose hunt I had during early season but it was a really fun hunt.
 This week I got some much needed work done around the house, got my boat cleared out and had the motor worked on. I also made time to do some fishing.
Next week I'm going to test run my boat.... and do some fishing. Put the boat up for sale and get my decoy trailer pulled out and ready for season.
October 1st starts deer season and then turkey comes in on the 16th with woodcock coming in on the 15th and duck and goose opening on the 19th. 
Lotta goings on next month.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Running out of time

 Running out of time this week. I will catch up this week with next week, and will be a double episode, see you next week take care, love you.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Sept. 1st until yesterday

 Since neither I nor Cliff got drawn for the dove hunt, we decided to go to a friends property. Now he doesn't farm for doves and didn't say he had them in abundance, but if we wanted to get out beggars can't be choosers. So, Cliff and I went out on the opener, got to the field, started setting up and promptly watched the first dove fly by. Needless to say I felt pretty optimistic, long story short we saw more birds than I thought we would, but only had a handful of chances and only put one bird down.
Yep all morning for this little morsel. Cliff said he had a good time regardless, so I guess it was a win.
Tuesday I was feeling a little sick so I stayed home and slept. Wednesday the public property opened up to everyone so I rolled out picked a field and had a pretty good time. There were still alot of birds around and my shooting was pretty good.
Yesterday I went back to the same field and didn't shoot near as good. The couple of good shots made up for all the misses. I only got 3 birds but I'm well on my way to a dove dinner. Already know what will be for supper that day.... dove and duck poppers with some turkey tenders all dropped in the grease.
Man does that sound good, I'll send pics....
dove count: 9