Thursday, January 27, 2022

Cold and sunny

 Two words goose hunters never want to see in the same sentence. Unfortunately that's how this week went, all sunny and all cold. 
I scouted Monday and made the decision to hunt Tues even though I didn't scout the property I was going to hunt. Not really a bad choice since I have hunted that property for a long time.
The weather was forecasted to be cloudy and cold, those are 2 words goose hunters love  to hear. 
As I was driving south, the sun started peeking through the clouds. It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day thanks weatherman 🖕. With everything set up the best option was wait to see if they'll fly closer to sunset. 
Jake showed up around 2 and we went for a drive to see what the geese were doing. Turns out the numbers I was hoping for were just not there..... not even close. We made our way back to the blinds and waited... and waited... and waited.
NOTHING... nothing flew until well after sunset.
It turned out to be a good practice day, the spread looked great, the blinds looked great, all we were missing were the guests of honor.
Oh well there's always next week, which has been forecasted to be cloudy and cold ⛅.
Yeah right, I'll believe that when I see it.😲

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