Thursday, November 14, 2019

Another D and D week, more D than D

With the cold front looming, I set out to Loon lake just 5 minutes from the house on Monday. As soon as I got set up I was farting around in the boat and I had a dozen or so wood ducks land in the decoys. So with all the stealth of a drunk ninja, I loaded my gun, stood up in the boat and dropped what I had thought was a drake only to find out it was a hen wood duck. Oh well, they both eat the same but I wish I had shot a drake, anyway after an hour the snow started and never stopped. By the time I had everything picked up the vis was down to... well, being able to see my hand. I managed to get the boat back to the landing and onto the trailer and back to the house without breaking anything so that was a plus. I didn't get a pic because I COULDN'T SEE ANYTHING. After I got home I winterized both of my motors on the big boat, so they are ready to go in the spring.
So on to Tuesday, I went to Big Turkey and wow did the weather push new birds in. The numbers of ducks and geese were amazing, and after my traditional late start, I ended with 2 drake mallards. The day went through the whole gambit weatherwise from sun to snowsquall, to a mix of both with some wind thrown in for good measure.
The morning was absolutely beautiful
This squall just passed through you can still see it in the background
A flock of geese landed and swam around my decoys, of course, goose is closed right now.
The weather just kept switching like someone was channel surfing. And like I mentioned earlier I did get 2 mallards....
Yep, that's snow behind me we got 4 inches Tuesday
 If you notice I got a new set of waders this year, and man are they awesome. I honestly think these waders were not designed by PETA, they kept me dry, warm, and comfortable throughout the hunt. In fact, the last time I slept that good was in a layout blind.
Now Wednesday I was all primed to get back to Big Turkey after all the ducks I saw on Tues.
So I got to bed early, got up a little late and made it to the lake right on time. Only to find out overnight the landing and whole bay froze over. Well CRAP, my boat won't break any amount of ice so I did what anyone else would've done. I bolted back to the house changed clothes grabbed my crossbow and went to freeze in a stand for 3 1/2 hours. The only thing I saw were squirrels no deer just squirrels. I did get buzzed by some very happy mallards.
Jeff's day started with a little deer hunting, and all I say was squirrels and ducks again. However, on the way home I went around the backside of the property and saw the biggest buck I have seen out on that property. He was hanging close to a doe in the middle of a field, and with gun season starting Saturday his days might be numbered. I gotta drop a doe, sooner rather than later. Then I can stop deer hunting and focus on everything else I need to be hunting.

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