Thursday, March 14, 2019

Week 2 update

Well, the weather has been heating up along with my urgency to get the boat finished. This week I got the front deck cut and put the hatches in, along with getting my battery charger wires ran. Next week I'll be going into the Fort for a dental appt and I will be stopping to get some led lights (for the house) and some wire to finish the wiring on the boat. Once the wiring is done I can put the front deck together. I am going to wait until the weather warms before gluing anything in place. I would hate to have to trash 70 some dollars worth of carpet because it the glue didn't cure correctly. Anyway, here's the update pics.
still gotta tack the onboard charger down
put the wires inside a pvc pipe to protect them
the top wire is fed back to charge the starting battery
these are the connections for the starting battery
the battery box will be built here to house the 2 batteries for the trolling motor
the front deck just needed installed, what a pain in the ass to put together, prefabbed hatches would've been easier
 Still to do for next week: finish wiring, install deck, build battery box, drill hole for the mast in front deck and once all that is complete I will be ready to haul the whole mess over to my buddies garage and change the bearings and put the new tires on. Really hoping to get this stuff done by next week, March is almost over. However, I guess the good news is that there is still icebergs on the big lake and the lakes around here still have a hard coating.
I still have some time.... 

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