Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Auspicious beginning

Alright, not really but I wanted to start the new hunting year off on a good note. This is how it really started. I went dove hunting last Monday and the only thing dropping was sweat.
I went to Mongo which usually has a pretty good dove showing only to see that the sunflowers that were planted for the doves either didn't grow or got grazed off by deer. I sat in a very poor excuse for a sunflower field for over 5 hours only to see a handful of doves. The only dove I did have a shot at I whiffed on. Now the fields weren't the fault of the DNR, we had a 27-day drought that was the leading cause of the poor shape of the fields. Since I didn't do so well dove hunting I headed into town to pick up my chairs that my neighbor had refinished for me.

 He did a super nice job on them and they look brand new, Thanks, Tom.
Tuesday I stayed home and worked on the boat.

 It still looks the same today however, it will get some attention next week. Now on Wednesday, I found out the dealership didn't receive my check for my extended warranty. So had to call the bank and get them to issue a new one and cancel the old one.
Then work.
Monday My Minion and I went to Mongo to try their goose stakes. Now I had never done this but thought we should give it a go just to see what it's like. Come to find out it's just pass shooting spots across the whole property. I was under the assumption that these were stakes set up under known goose flight lines, you just needed to get lucky to be under the one that they are using. So needless to say we didn't do well, we did see a goose but he was pretty far away.
Yesterday I was going to pack up and make the 45 minute run to the river. I got up on time, loaded the truck, hooked up the boat and ..... no lights on the trailer. After an hour of looking for my 12-volt circuit tester, I did what any sane person would've done, I went back to bed. When I got up I looked for my tester some more, realizing it was gone I went and bought a new one. Then after testing my wiring I went and bought some new lights. Since I felt as if I had wasted most of the day anyway I decided to mow the lawn, that way I could say I mowed the lawn and fixed my trailer lights.
Wednesday I got up packed the truck, hooked up the boat and headed to the river. After hunting most of the day and bagging the only goose I saw.
boy that's a small goose
 I packed it in and started home, but before I did I noticed one of my grease covers on the trailer was missing. I checked them yesterday and must not have attached it well enough to stay on, so now I'm in the market for a new cover. When I got back I had to call the dealership again and I found out they messed up my title for the truck. So now they have to do some more leg work and fix the title so I can get the truck in my name. They said it would take better than a month to get it straightened out and they will pay the fees incurred because I only have 45 days to get the truck titled.
Thankfully I will have about 4 weeks of nothing to do but work on stuff unless I go south for some dove.
Anyway, my hunting season started with 1 goose, a crappy sunflower field, and some trailer issues....... oh well I guess this is where one would say, "it can only get better".

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