Thursday, November 10, 2016

Second day on this field

Well this was the second day within a week that we put feathers down in this field. Actually let me back up a little bit. The day before we hunted this field I was scouting the field from a culdesac, there were 50 geese or so on the field when all of a sudden I had 2 cop cars on me, and a cop standing at my window asking what I was doing there.
 Now having to tell a cop I was watching geese was very true but I'm sure that he kinda questioned it if only for a second to himself. Now while he was running my license and plates there was another cop (a chick) that came up to the window and started interrogating me: what was I doing here, do you know who lives in the farm house, whose property is this, do you really goose hunt.... Now I answered all of her questions until she asked for my property owner's phone number. I was just about to give it to her when I came to my senses and told her, "No, I won't give you the number". She looked at me and said, "You won't give me the number?" And I told her again, "No, I don't need the cops bothering my landowner when I'm doing nothing wrong."  Just at this point the other cop came around and gave me my license back and let me know I can't park there over night.
Man the stuff you put up with just to kill a couple geese.
One goose short of limit and all the ducks flew really early but at least we came home with some meat.
After this hunt (we park in the culdesac) I went over and talked to the people in house that called the cops and assured them I harbored no ill will about them calling the cops and that I would've done the same. They informed me that the had been living there for 30 years and only started to have problems 6 months ago, hence the call.
Anyway on Tuesday I stayed home and caught up on some house work and it was suppose to rain and it actually did most of the day.
Wednesday I went to Round Lake for the day and ended up with one goose and one wood duck. Not terribly good but it was the first time on that lake and it looks promising.
 Today I went back to Round but I set up in a different spot and had zero luck.

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