Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mother Nature is a comedian

I wished and wished for snow, snow like I grew up with.
Ya know when they say be careful what you wish for you just might get it? Well I got it.... feet of snow in just a couple days.
That all by itself is not a bad thing, the bad thing is that Late Goose season just started the day before the snow storm.
Now all that's left is snow..... 95% of my geese have flown south to get to some food. I just got back from scouting and saw 6 geese on a pond that has an aerator in it. The worse news is that the temps are going to drop tonight and tomorrow with wind chills below 0. That really doesn't bother me except it should freeze up any remaining open water and push the 6 geese in the area south.
The only good news is that it is supposed to get up to 40 degrees this weekend. I can only hope we shed enough snow, and get some geese back so I can hunt the last day of season.
If the snow only held off another 2 weeks you would be looking at pics of happy hunters and piles of geese. Sadly this is not the case, here I sit blogging about not hunting instead of blogging about the hunt.
Well think warm happy thoughts for me, I might only have 1 more day to goose hunt.
Guess it's time to start thinkin' about shootin' some yotes.

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