Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Late season opened today

I went out for the late season goose opener this morning. I went out to my buddy Tom's place --I didn't do any scouting but there are always geese out there.
I was not disappointed around 10 am they lifted off of the roost and came over to see me. They were right on track to enter the kill zone when they just took a hard left. I watched as they went to the end of my field and looked to set down, all but a four pack that was headed back my way. So I turned my attention to the four still coming my way, as they got closer I noticed the other 25-30 geese coming straight at me low and silent. I switched to calling to them, as they closed the distance I got a little trigger happy and called the shot a little too soon. I did put one down but couldn't drop any more. Well the whole flock saw me drop one of there own so the rest turned tail and went back to the roost.
So I waited...... at 1 pm I had 2 come from my left and try to cross out in front of me. They came in silent and I couldn't find my call to place them better into range (had it tucked into my jacket so it wouldn't freeze up) so I just waited for them to get closer. I ran her dry on those two and I know I smacked the first one (I heard the shot hit) but he didn't fall. After going to make sure he didn't drop on his way back to the roost I got back into the blind and continued to sleep-- I mean, hunt.
Well after 2-ish the blizzard that was suppose to hit did, the winds picked up and the decoys blew over. That's when I knew it was time to hang it up and head for home.
I didn't get any pics because of the snow and wind so hopefully this blizzard will pass by tomorrow and I'll be able to hunt on Thursday.
I'm not sure why my shooting was sub par, the only excuse I can use is I hadn't shot in two weeks.

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