It all started last Sunday I worked from 6 am til 2:30 pm rushed home so I could still hunt that afternoon. Well I went out and had a 8 point buck walk under the stand that I was not in. I also saw 2 yotes. I decided to hunt the next morning and assumed my wife had set the alarm. She did not , I know what your thinkin' ( why can't he set his own alarm???) well you see this is the way it is at my house. I am not allowed to set my alarm because I have it set to the radio and it's VERY loud and since when I get up I wake her anyway she thought it would just be better if she used her alarm. Enough said back to the problem she forgot to set the alarm so I missed going out Mon. morning. I worked from 2:30 pm til 11:00 pm Mon. night got
home got some sleep got up Tues. morning in time to get out for some duck hunting. Got my first Wigeon and a nice mallard drake.

Now it had started raining and getting really
windy so I didn't go out deer hunting Tues. night.
However come Wed. morning I was back out on
the water after the qwackers. That's when I picked up this little girl.
Now were getting to the fun stuff- Wed. night I went out for a nice deer hunt.
I was in my second deer stand and was unsure as to whether or not to stay, because they were actually harvesting the corn while I was trying to hunt. I ended up staying and glad I did, after only 2 hours in my stand I noticed a corn stalk not moving the same way as the wind. I got my binoculars out and saw I had a buck eating some corn. I kept a close eye on him cause it was pretty hard to see him through the corn. He started moving away from me and stopped and started eating again. After 10 min. he was finally turned around and coming my way. I waited for the perfect moment and drew back...... he stopped and started eating again with only 3 feet to go to clear the corn thus giving me a clear shot. I let down and waited, finally he started towards the edge of the corn I drew back touched off the release he bucked and bolted. He only ran 20 yrds. and dropped in the first row of the corn

Well I didn't get any film of the hunt but this is after the hunt.

So with the first phase of my plan complete we drug the deer up towards my first stand so I could gut him and thus leave some bait for the yotes. Well this plan almost worked too good and I'll let the video show why.
I got this guy right over where the gut pile had been this was the second yote I shot at this morning, but he didn't get away
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