I knew from the beginning that I should just stay at home today. Checked the weather and the wind was from the wrong direction.My nice cool weather had left for warmer days and to top it all off it was supposed to start raining. I hate hunting in the rain.
So even though I had all this stacked against me I decided to go anyway, cause I'm just not that bright. Got out to the field to walk in and there was a deer milling around just about under my stand.If I could've just gotten there an hour earlier .......... Even though it was just a yearling she still would've put meat in the freezer and gotten me off the snide. I waited for the deer to go into the woods on the other side of the field before entering the field, then I practically ran to my stand and got ready for the action that I was sure was going to happen at any moment....... 5 hrs later the action started.
The first fur I saw after the yearling was a coyote. He was crossing in front of me about 50 yrds away so I thought to myself might as well shoot something and he'll do. So I started making kissing noises with my lips to get him to come closer for the shot, he just looked around. Then he went into the treeline,I kissed again and he came back out and looked around again. When he went back into the woods for the second time I noticed a black spot in my peripheral vision. I slowly turned my head thinking it was another yote, and....... nope there's a mid-sized doe looking at me wondering why I'm kissing the air. Well to make a really long story shorter, she took off, the yote disappeared and I was left to mull over what had just transpired.
Something just moved at the top of the field, get out my binos and see it's another yote. I put my binos away put my release on my loop and .........crap the yote I was kissing at just saw me move. He was coming up the other side of the fence row by the corn and bolted. In the mean time the other yote had vanished, and the deer are nowhere to be seen.
So here I sit at home deer less,yote less, and slightly damp thinkin'.........I had a great day, glad I went out.
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