Thursday, September 4, 2008

With Sept. comes the new season lets go hunting

Yep tried Tues for some geese to no avail they just flew by laughing at me, nobody wanted to play. So I went to the dove fields for some shooting , had two great hunts, got 12 yesterday and 7 today.
Only took one pic this was yesterday. Really hopin' I can get out next week and put some geese in the freezer.

Talked to some guys from MI today, when I went back to the car to get my camera. Come to find out they have come down here every year since the legislators took away dove hunting up there.

How is it in the great USA, that people with more time than sense can decide what it is that I either need or don't need????? Why can't people just leave others alone, to do what they will as long as they aren't hurting anyone else?????

Don't let ANYONE take away ANY of your rights because someday they will take away a right you do care about.

Trust me our rights are eroding little by little- seatbelt laws,smoking laws,helmet laws, whether good or bad these are our rights and should be protected as such.

Alright enough politics for now.

Hunt hard, Have fun, Enjoy what you've got, it can be taken away.

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