Got out this morning for the last day of goose hoping to get a couple. It sure was a great morning mostly sunny w/some clouds.
Well I set up in the middle of the river tied off to a log. Shot 3 of my geese then was waiting for a couple more and started to get the feeling like I was moving. Didn't think too much of it because I'm on a river and just thought it was my mind playin' tricks on me. Well the dekes I set out in front of the boat were slowly starting to get tight to the log I was tied off on.
Crap, I'm moving with the wind tied to the log trying to mow down my deke's. So I jump out put my dekes on the upwind side of the log, help the log move out of my spread without taking any of my deke's with it. Get back to the boat post it out so I can keep hunting and .....did you hear a goose? yep that's a goose started calling and brought the 5 pack close enough for me to hit one of them (saw the feathers fly) but didn't drop him. They flew out 2-250 yrds and came back . By this time I was back in the boat and ready, dropped one on the first shot then concentrated on the cripple. He also went down so I untied the boat collected my geese, picked up my deke's and went home with what????? Yep Limit
By the way I'm still sick
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