Thursday, August 8, 2024

Made it to Erie this week

 Well, I made it to Erie this week on Monday. It was supposed to be 4 mph offshore breeze with 15 mph gusts. By the time I got there in the wee hours of the morning it felt like it was 15 offshore with 20 mile an hour gusts. It only got worse as the day went on 
why is the pic always more tame than the actual weather was?
I did however manage to catch a decent walleye to begin with 
and then another keeper and a short so I again caught two walleye at Erie this year. 
I still need to put so much more walleye in my freezer. I'm going to go next week and probably the week after and the week after that and probably into hunting season. I don't know.. 
My bank fishing chronicles are still putting fish on the board. I only caught a couple fish this week, I only fished for two days. I had a couple drive-bys and missed another one but I was able to get two nice smallmouth.
 Well, I'll be going to Erie next week, the weather's supposed to be good according to the weatherman 👎.  All next week's should to be clear and calm so I'm going to make it out at least one of those days.I wish I could figure out a way to stay there for for a night. I'd probably do that but haven't been able to figure that one out yet. I don't like leaving my stuff out if I had a place, like a garage that I can put my boat in I would absolutely do that.
Have a good week and I'll talk to ya later.

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