Thursday, August 15, 2024

Erie is kicking my ass

 Alright before I get into what happened this week I have a couple addendums from last week.
1. First thing I did last week when I got to the launch was slip on the landing and almost end up in the water. Ended up hurting my left leg mid thigh and it just stopped hurting this week.
2. I worked on my motor until it's not running great, so I gotta have someone fine tune it. That brings me to the second, I've gotta slam the motor in forward or it will die. When I was trying to load it I got a little too close to the dock and I popped my corner trim off.  
 Already got a new one and will install soon.

There, now let's talk about this week.
I got to the launch pre-dawn and got set up to launch, really started out to be a great day. I motored out 3 miles and as soon as I laid off the gas I was covered in little moth flies. I mean as soon as I motored down they were all over me 
I know it doesn't look that bad, but they were EVERYWHERE
they didn't bite but they were constantly flying around and just being a nuisance. 

Now whatever I have said in the past about "how easy it is to catch on Erie" or "Erie isn't fishin' it's catchin' and if your not catchin' you're doin' something wrong". Well, this is the first trip that I've been able to put more than 2 fish into the box. The thing is I had to go all day to do that, I mean from sun up to sundown and I only boxed 4 walleye. 
That being said I did also catch 4 shorts that went back, some trash that went back.
I didn't weigh this gaspergoo but he was a beast
And this 26"er that went back.
He also was a beast, very healthy fish.
I made it in with a half hour or so to spare, got the boat broke down, fish cleaned and home by 12.
almost sunset
That was my day on Erie.... Oh yeah almost forgot... the eel grass was terrible, every 20 mins I was pulling lines and cleaning it off. It's amazing I caught any fish.....
Bank fishing Chronicles....
Wednesday I took the kayak out on my lake and realized one thing.... I couldn't straighten my back for 2 hours. I am going to get a better one for next year.
It was a good time 'til I tried to get out of the kayak and my body revolted. I went out this morning for a couple hours from shore and caught this guy. 
He wasn't that big but he hit as soon as my lure hit the water and fought all the way in, good times.

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