Thursday, August 29, 2024

If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all.....

 Who else remembers that Hee-Haw skit??? Gloom, Despair and Agony on me.....
Before we get into what happened fishing, lets turn the clock back to Sunday when I got home from work. I had a decent day at work and was looking forward to a good day fishing on Monday, which was the day the weather was most cooperative with. Well as soon as I got into my house I knew something was amiss. It was a little hotter and muggier than it should of been. After a very little bit of sleuthing I found out my A/C fan wasn't turning and the top was fire hot. So, here I was 4pm on Sunday with no A/C and the only good news was I was going fishing Monday. With Monday and Tuesday looking to be the hottest couple days of the year I figured I would still be able to survive. 
Sunday night wasn't too bad, I turned the blower on my furnace to suck up the cooler air in the basement to keep the air cooler. I woke up at 2:30 got ready and headed off to go to Erie. Made it there by daylight, set up the boat, launched and attempted to start my big motor.... notice I said attempted. Yep that's right my big motor didn't want to start, I thought that might happened and I already resigned myself to just using the kicker to get out and troll all day. 
The kicker started right up I put it in forward and went to the steering wheel to steer with the big motor. This is the first time I've used the kicker to power the boat and steer inside the harbor. Needless to say it doesn't turn like the big motor and I was heading straight towards the dock. I freaked out went back grabbed the throttle arm of the kicker and turned it manually. As the boat started to turn I kept seeing the back get closer and closer to the dock.... dammit I hit the dock with the side of the boat. No damage except for my pride, as I motored out of the "harbor" I looked back to see one of the old guys standing on shore was just watching me in amazement. 
Well I thought, if that's the worse thing that happens today.....
Once again I fished from sun up until almost sun down and caught......
6 gaspergoo's
file pic
and one short walleye..... all day?..... yes all day....
Did I mention it was hot??? like melt the rubber off my tennis hot??? Yes that hot, it was miserable out there. I ran through many lures and only managed one small walleye. I did have a couple fish that hit and got off that I kinda thought were walleye's. And oh yeah, I almost forgot, when I was trolling in and only a block and a half from the launch I had a rod fire in 23' of  water and I immediately thought it was a goo. But then it started fighting like a walleye, I wasn't sure it was a walleye until it got to the back of the boat. Where I saw it was at least a 22" walleye, 
the pic in my head when I saw it was a walleye
so as calm and in the moment as I could, while acting like I've been here before I grabbed the net and ...... promptly  knocked the fish off with the net and hooked the lure in the net.....😱😢😩😢😱😭😭.
After that all I could do was laugh, so I laughed all the way to the launch, loaded my boat, and headed to the house.

Hunting starts on the first of Sept for dove and geese..... That has to go better doesn't it????

By the way fishing done for the year, I'm going to clean the boat out and set it up on marketplace. After I get the big motor tuned.
 New set of problems for next year.... hopefully.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Down but not out

 The NE winds didn't want me fishing Erie this week. 
The rollers started on Monday
and continued Tuesday
my first evening fish
and Wednesday
The best day to get out would've been today, but today is a rest day, as we all know. With nowhere to go and the reluctance to run the big motor, I stayed home and took my boat out on my lake. I went around most of the first basin under trolling motor power and did catch enough fish to consider it a good day.
I'm hoping to get the boat looked at next week, there's a guy in my neighborhood that works on outboards. I'm hoping he can look at it Sunday afternoon so maybe I can get out next week... we'll have to see. 
It runs just not as good as it should.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Erie is kicking my ass

 Alright before I get into what happened this week I have a couple addendums from last week.
1. First thing I did last week when I got to the launch was slip on the landing and almost end up in the water. Ended up hurting my left leg mid thigh and it just stopped hurting this week.
2. I worked on my motor until it's not running great, so I gotta have someone fine tune it. That brings me to the second, I've gotta slam the motor in forward or it will die. When I was trying to load it I got a little too close to the dock and I popped my corner trim off.  
 Already got a new one and will install soon.

There, now let's talk about this week.
I got to the launch pre-dawn and got set up to launch, really started out to be a great day. I motored out 3 miles and as soon as I laid off the gas I was covered in little moth flies. I mean as soon as I motored down they were all over me 
I know it doesn't look that bad, but they were EVERYWHERE
they didn't bite but they were constantly flying around and just being a nuisance. 

Now whatever I have said in the past about "how easy it is to catch on Erie" or "Erie isn't fishin' it's catchin' and if your not catchin' you're doin' something wrong". Well, this is the first trip that I've been able to put more than 2 fish into the box. The thing is I had to go all day to do that, I mean from sun up to sundown and I only boxed 4 walleye. 
That being said I did also catch 4 shorts that went back, some trash that went back.
I didn't weigh this gaspergoo but he was a beast
And this 26"er that went back.
He also was a beast, very healthy fish.
I made it in with a half hour or so to spare, got the boat broke down, fish cleaned and home by 12.
almost sunset
That was my day on Erie.... Oh yeah almost forgot... the eel grass was terrible, every 20 mins I was pulling lines and cleaning it off. It's amazing I caught any fish.....
Bank fishing Chronicles....
Wednesday I took the kayak out on my lake and realized one thing.... I couldn't straighten my back for 2 hours. I am going to get a better one for next year.
It was a good time 'til I tried to get out of the kayak and my body revolted. I went out this morning for a couple hours from shore and caught this guy. 
He wasn't that big but he hit as soon as my lure hit the water and fought all the way in, good times.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Made it to Erie this week

 Well, I made it to Erie this week on Monday. It was supposed to be 4 mph offshore breeze with 15 mph gusts. By the time I got there in the wee hours of the morning it felt like it was 15 offshore with 20 mile an hour gusts. It only got worse as the day went on 
why is the pic always more tame than the actual weather was?
I did however manage to catch a decent walleye to begin with 
and then another keeper and a short so I again caught two walleye at Erie this year. 
I still need to put so much more walleye in my freezer. I'm going to go next week and probably the week after and the week after that and probably into hunting season. I don't know.. 
My bank fishing chronicles are still putting fish on the board. I only caught a couple fish this week, I only fished for two days. I had a couple drive-bys and missed another one but I was able to get two nice smallmouth.
 Well, I'll be going to Erie next week, the weather's supposed to be good according to the weatherman 👎.  All next week's should to be clear and calm so I'm going to make it out at least one of those days.I wish I could figure out a way to stay there for for a night. I'd probably do that but haven't been able to figure that one out yet. I don't like leaving my stuff out if I had a place, like a garage that I can put my boat in I would absolutely do that.
Have a good week and I'll talk to ya later.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

It is HOT

 Well, I started out my week with a little bank fishing, while I was fine tuning my motor. 
Tuesday I went out and the only pictureable fish I caught ended up back in the lake before I could get a snap. 
By Wednesday I had my boat motor fixed and was back on the water, albeit I didn't go too far from home. I got it out and ran it, fine tuned it a little more and think I'm ok for a while.
And I caught fish...
I can catch rock bass like Corey....😂

It takes a really good fisherman to catch fish that small
First time out on the boat since vacation felt amazing. Next week it's time to put some walleye in the freezer.
This morning I got out and caught a couple.....
Not too bad for a couple hours casting from shore.