Thursday, January 11, 2024

The struggle is real

 Did my scouting on Sunday found a bunch of geese out East of town. So Monday that's where I went, I got there early set up my spread. got my my blind brushed in and waited. It didn't take too long maybe 10:00 or 11:00 before the first flock got there, but once they started coming they didn't stop. By 2:00 I was done it took me so long because I shot horribly. All day terrible shooting, I was finally able to put four down and had one flyer that I couldn't find so I counted him against my limit. I called it a day packed everything up came home. Tuesday was supposed to be snowing to start then turn to heavy rain so I stayed home. Wednesday was the best day of the week weather wise and I had been tapped for jury duty. So I got to go to that at 8:00 in the morning, he pled guilty before even assembling a jury. Then this morning I had a doctor's appointment so I've been kind of out of it for the rest of the week. But I got four geese this week and I'm okay with that having a good year so far. 
 I had a video that I was working on but ran out of system memory, whatever that is. So until that gets cleared up no more videos I guess. So I called my computer guy and come to find out he went out of business in Nov. so really don't know who I'm going to take it to now. 
Do you know anyone?
Well it was kinda glitchy but it let me finish the video
Here it is......

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