Well lets start with the bummer: We had a decent snowfall that dropped about 3 to 4"s starting on Saturday night. I got up on time but in the grand scheme of things-late, time change. I forgot to turn my clocks forward before I went to bed. So Sunday morning 1:35am I was on my way to work as usual but this time I was a little more sleepy than usual. I was half way to work when my ass end gave a little shimmy, from there I started fish tailing after the 3rd correction I remembered to kick off my cruise. Normally my cruise kicks off when it senses my tires are spinning apparently it missed this time.That was all fate needed to put my car into a 90% slide into the guard rail that was there to stop me from heading into the overpass abutment. I hit the guard rail with the front bumper of my car. I had to do a complete spin because the next thing I remember is coasting onto the shoulder. My lights were on and the music was still playing so... I tried to start the car, which had died on impact. After a couple tense seconds my beast came to life, I put it in drive and headed to work. I kept and eye on the coolant gauge because I had not check to see if there was any damage. Turns out I got pretty lucky.
Nothing was really broken... I have yet to pop the hood, which for some reason is kinda askew and I'm going to silicone this headlight down, but for hitting a guard rail at 70... not too bad.😁
Well, that was the bummer....
The Bonus is the winter weather continued into Tuesday. A little snow and cold so I had until the 15th before coyote closed so.... I headed to Mississinewa for a little payback. When Cliff and I went last week it was the last day of rabbit and EVERY RABBIT HUNTER WITH DOGS WAS OUT. So I grabbed my gear and gun and headed south.
I knew I had some spots we didn't hit last week so I started with them and wouldn't you know it I called in a coyote on my 4th? 5th? stand. He was a big male and he was 10 yards straight in front of me before I saw him. I had to wait until he cleared the cluster of 3 trees before I could put the crosshairs on him.... and jerk the trigger.😩
Yep apparently the only thing worse than missing a coyote at 10 yards is KICKING YOU OWN ASS ALL DAY FOR MISSING A COYOTE AT 10 YARDS.
And the only way you can possibly forget about missing a coyote at 10 yards is to shoot one at 45 a couple hours later. I was way in the back of a set Cliff and I had made the week prior and about halfway through the stand this yearling male found his way to the edge of the field and kept walking straight towards the call. I had to stop him with a lethal dose of polymer tipped lead.
Anyway that's for next year, this years hunting season is a wrap.
Which brings me back to fix it month.
I have installed the new trim motor, I'm waiting on the bullet connectors to hook up the power but the RTV is on and it is installed and curing. I'm hoping by next week it'll be dry and ready for tilt trim fluid. And hopefully the connectors will get here by then. Then all I'm waiting for is good weather for fishing season, even though it still looks like my boat threw up.
FYI the box and the bag of decoys is my buddy Jake's, I put them on facebook for him and they didn't sell so I'll post 'em again next year. All I really have to do is get them out and move the wheeler over and I'm ready to go fishing..... I think.
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