Thursday, July 14, 2022

still working on the Vacation article but until then here's this

 Wednesday Cliff and I decided to make my first trip to Erie this year. The weather was mixed but the storms should hold off til way later in the afternoon. So I got the boat ready on Tuesday all I had to do was hook it up when Cliff got to the house. When Cliff got to the house he got his gear and food in the truck and boat while I pulled the truck forward to hook up the boat. It was then I noticed that there was a weird bump in my driveway... I ran over his softsided cooler... oops.😲After he got his cooler out from under the truck he came around the back to see if he could help and noticed my phone on the bumper. I pulled the boat out and greased the bearings made sure his stuff was in and closed the garage door. I was kinda in a hurry and didn't give it my once around look-see but couldn't think of anything else we needed so off we went. We got to within a half hour of the launch when I suddenly remembered the phone.😱 I asked Cliff if he had grabbed it, he said no, as the fear and dread washed over me I found a spot to pull over on the freeway and got out to check the bumper. Nothing, as we started going again, the reality set in, ALL MY  contact info/phone numbers were in there. We got another 5 minutes down the road and had Cliff call the phone, he did and the Bluetooth was still on the truck, so the phone is close. I pulled over again, turned off the truck and had him call again, as it was ringing I got out to see if I could hear it outside. When I went around to the back of the truck the phone was on the bumper, just tucked up under the tailgate.
WHEEW  😓 I'm here to tell you that Titan is a smooth riding truck over a hundred miles @70 +/- and it stayed on the bumper.
With that out of the way we continued on to the lake and when we got there it looked like this...
We dropped the boat in and made the 20 min run out to where we were going to start. Fishing was pretty slow we were averaging about 1 fish every hour or so. The good news is the fish we were catching were decent size so we didn't care too much. Before Cliff took his nap I had a heck of a time with a 2 pole tangle. I was a little testy because of the lack of fish, a little warm and then cutting 33' of line off. Anyway we got that taken care of and we were back at it. 
 It was around 2ish when the skies started to darken a little. The wind had switched from the West to the East which calmed the lake out. Then around 3 the skies really started to get dark and I was hearing thunder.... Time to go.
We pulled the rods in and buttoned everything up in the boat as best as we could then we headed for the launch. Well, on the way the skies opened up and started pouring big drops down on us, by the time we made it back to the launch we were both soaked. I saw 3 lighting strikes but couldn't hear to do a count down, so we just hurried in.
 This is what it looked like when we got back to the launch.
Since we were already soaked we took our time and got the boat taken care of. We didn't get to take the hero pic until we got to the house. We didn't make limit but we both had a pretty good time and when we got everything put away we had a fish fry and man where they good.😋
that small one on the right is 16"

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