Wednesday, April 28, 2021

And this brings my Indiana turkey season to an end

 Well the title says it all, my turkey season in Indiana has ended. My turkey season in Nebraska will begin on Tuesday, I can take 2 birds on the property I'll be hunting (landowners rules) and one more off his property is possible. 
Anyway back to Indiana turkey season, I ended up hunting at my magical 5 acre property on Monday. I tried to get in on a no show draw at Mongo but with only 1 spot open and at least 20 dudes trying to get it the odds weren't that good. After I found out I didn't get it I drove over to my private property and hunted until 10am. When I was done there I headed home to mow the lawn..... fun.
Tuesday I headed out to Jake's to try to get on a bird, he had one that needed dead so the property poacher in the area didn't get him. 
VIDEO 'bout 9min
So, that happened and I got the bird that had outsmarted 5 or 6 other hunts.
When I got up to the bird I was really surprised that it was only a 2 year old. I thought for sure that a bird that lasted that long would've been older. Oh well, it was a really good hunt.

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