Thursday, October 29, 2020

Spendin' dolla' bills yo

 So I decided to turn my heat on Monday, since I got home from vacation I didn't have my heat or AC on. When I tried to turn on my furnace it was a no go, long story short 160 bucks for the part and now I have heat in the house. 
Other than that, Monday and Tuesday I went deer hunting, waiting for some geese to show back up on one of my properties. They never did come back so Wednesday I decided to go to Big Turkey for my first duck and goose hunt of the year. 
Let's back up a little... a couple weeks ago when I was starting to get ready for season I charged my duck boat battery. When I did I noticed that it only had a 3% charge, since I hadn't charged it all summer I didn't think too much of it. When I decided to go on Wednesday I put the battery on the charger again, this time it had a 6% charge, now I'm getting a little worried. Wednesday morning I got to the launch dropped the boat in got all my gear in it and started off to my spot. In my head I was thinking, "worst case scenario if the battery dies I'll be paddling back in". When I got to the "in" part, the battery died, I didn't make it 10 yards from the launch. This was the third time this year I had to paddle in, (Jason and that torture kayak, Corey and his big boat, now my duck boat) and I do not want to do that again.
Anyway, when I knew I wasn't going on the water my mind started racing to come up with a back up. Fortunately I had just been to town and saw one of my properties had some corn down. So I called and audible got my phone out and shot the owner a text, while I was putting my gear away and changing clothes I got the reply I needed. 
"Yeah sure go ahead", that's all I needed I threw 8 decoys in the truck and off to the Fort I went. I got there really late and even as I was setting up the ducks and geese were flying, I was getting a little worried. 
I started feeling better when I dropped 2 geese out of the 3 pack that came in.... it was my first time out this year don't judge. Then the ducks started to work, I was a little limited on the direction I wanted to shoot as to keep my shots away from houses. I managed to scratch out a couple of them while passing on half a dozen or so that actually landed in front of my decoys. Anyway I finally got to get out for some waterfowl and boy did it feel good. Goose is now closed until the 21st of Nov. but when it comes back in it stays in 'til the second week in Feb. Fortunately duck stays in, so I'll still be able to get out to do some more duck hunting. From the looks of it I'll be back down in Fort Wayne next week to get my truck worked on, so I'll squeeze another hunt in while I'm down there. Oh.... what about the pic? Here ya go.
I tried to get some video but I started too late and shot too poorly to post anything. Ok, I really didn't shoot too poorly, 4 birds for 7 shots. I didn't think that was too bad.
By the way when I got home I took out that 2 year old battery and dropped 90 bucks for another one.
Super tired of spending money like I got it.

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